New Zappa Release: Congress Shall Make No Law

By now I guess you all know about the Zappa event in Baltimore that is to take place on September 19. A couple of days ago, a new Zappa Records release was announced for this date:

September 19, 2010 marks the 25th anniversary of Zappa’s testimony on Capitol Hill and at Annapolis against the censorship of free expression by artists. In commemoration of this event, Zappa Records is preparing to release ‘Congress Shall Make No Law,’ a CD containing Frank Zappa’s testimony.

More info about the event here.

Update Sep 13 2010: Here’s the ZFT announcement as featured on their mailing-list from Sep 11, included for archival purposes. Pre-order link!

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71 Responses to New Zappa Release: Congress Shall Make No Law

  1. Lee R. says:

    In true ZFT form, I expect the CD will be heavily copyrighted.

  2. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”12745″]In true ZFT form, I expect the CD will be heavily copyrighted.[/quote]

    In true ZFT form, I expect the CD will be be heavily over priced.

  3. Thinman says:

    It would make sense to make an official biography on DVD that could include such things like the hearing (I remember having seen longer footage of that on Youtube). But an audio-CD? Who shall buy this? Another superfluous release IMO.


  4. gooey miles says:

    sucker born every second ….thats who will buy it …..who gives a hot rats ass

  5. jonnybutter says:

    [quote post=”3949″]It is already in the Public Domain.[/quote]

    God, I’d never listened to the whole thing before. For those of you outside of the US: Yes, the Senators sound like cartoon-Senators, and yes, many of them sound like complete imbeciles (because that’s what they are); but, believe it or not, the people in the US Senate now are even stupider, on average.

    Just something to brighten up your day..

  6. xorg says:

    Even more pointless than the Joe’s Crapage series, and it won’t sell. If ZFT really want to release this kind of material it should be as a bonus CD with a worthwhile and related release.

  7. Slap says:

    I gotta agree, what a pointless exercise in greed.

    Now, if it were a coffee table sort of BOOK, with the full transcripts and a wealth of photos, subsequent interviews (would love to hear Al & Tipper’s take on it, lo, these many years later….), that sort of thing — now THAT is something worth considering.

    But this? Unless they have plans to either price it at cost and/or donate any monies received from the sales of this item to some appropriate organization, it’s crass.

    But hey, maybe I can get hold of some of Tip O’Neill’s speeches, package ’em, and sell ’em at a profit. That’s what public domain means, right?

  8. Joe says:

    [quote comment=”12764″]Now, if it were a coffee table sort of BOOK[/quote]

    just for you – MOST

    Making Of Senate Testimony

  9. Bob says:

    Taking stuff from public sources, putting it on CD and trying to sell it – further proof The Vault is a myth.

  10. urbangraffito says:

    Indeed, it’s a pointless exercise in greed. So what else is new at ‘Rancho El Crapage’? Zappa supposed to be about the music, yes?

  11. JacquesD says:

    If one wanted to think in a preposterously positive way about this release, I’d say there’s an impossibly improbable possibility, that this new release would feature something other besides the testimony. After all, the announcement (or whatever it is) says that the CD *contains* the testimony, but doesn’t say if it consists solely of it. Not being a betting man, I’d wager it might contain Resolver+Brutality, being muchly in the context.

  12. Maroual says:

    [quote comment=”12755″]It is already in the Public Domain.
    Thank you. I was looking for the link yesterday evening.
    It is really a crazy idea, shouldn’t they feel responsible for the bad ecological footprint of such a useless initiative due to the paper, plastic and logistics involved?
    I suspect that Zappa’s cover of 4’33” could be a great bonus track 😀

  13. Dark Clothes says:

    As Jacques D says, Resolver+Brutality plus the testimony would be something, indeed. I guess this release will be an indication of just how far from reality the ZFT have gone now.

  14. Sure Fire Media says:

    We are unaware of any plans for such a release.

  15. [quote comment=”12785″]We are unaware of any plans for such a release.[/quote]
    Bob again…

  16. Sure Fire Media says:

    Hi there…Will you please let me know where you received info on a Frank Zappa release?

  17. Olfactor says:

    [quote comment=”12755″]It is already in the Public Domain.

    beat the boots ?

  18. Slap says:

    [quote comment=”12796″]Hi there…Will you please let me know where you received info on a Frank Zappa release?[/quote]

    Um, the first paragraph of the linked press release, perhaps….?

  19. [quote comment=”12800″][quote comment=”12796″]Hi there…Will you please let me know where you received info on a Frank Zappa release?[/quote]

    Um, the first paragraph of the linked press release, perhaps….?[/quote]
    Slap, everyone: it’s Bogus Bob The Troll- aka He Who Used To Be Funny But Then He Got Boring For Some Reason. Pay no attention.

  20. Alex says:

    [quote comment=”12803″]it’s Bogus Bob The Troll- aka He Who Used To Be Funny But Then He Got Boring For Some Reason. Pay no attention.[/quote]

    I guess he missed his pudding cup.

  21. Slap says:

    AH, many thanks.

    I left my troll-stompers at home this morning, and I just can’t smell that trollaroma quite as well when I do that.

    I shall now be on the alert.

  22. [quote comment=”12804″][quote comment=”12803″]it’s Bogus Bob The Troll- aka He Who Used To Be Funny But Then He Got Boring For Some Reason. Pay no attention.[/quote]

    I guess he missed his pudding cup.[/quote]
    You’re paying attention!

  23. Shelley says:

    [quote comment=”12803″]He Who Used To Be Funny But Then He Got Boring For Some Reason.[/quote]

    I think he’s kinda cute, myself.

  24. fred says:

    Don’t be so negative. Maybe they will hand it out for free at the event? And then the collectors will bitch because it so limited and as for the rest of us, who cares?

  25. Sterbus says:

    The first official zappa I won’t buy.

  26. nikita coltrane says:

    [quote comment=”12763″]Even more pointless than the Joe’s Crapage series, and it won’t sell.[/quote]

    Because OF COURSE you know EXACTLY what’s on it.

    “OF COURSE there’s 27 comments on this”, I said to myself, knowing that at least 20 of them would be dumb as hell, and I wasn’t disappointed (well, in one sense.)

  27. jabbatheprawn says:

    flogging a dead horse comes to mind

  28. Fabienne Shine says:

    [quote comment=”12845″][quote comment=”12763″]Even more pointless than the Joe’s Crapage series, and it won’t sell.[/quote]

    Because OF COURSE you know EXACTLY what’s on it.

    “OF COURSE there’s 27 comments on this”, I said to myself, knowing that at least 20 of them would be dumb as hell, and I wasn’t disappointed (well, in one sense.)[/quote]

    errr…. the title’s a bit of a clue!!!

  29. Jake St. Vitus says:

    Congress CD Email Alert! Check your email – a “Barfie” announcement has come out regarding this new CD, including cover graphics. No track listing (of course) but a teaser that there will be “bits” of unreleased Synclaiver music in the release.

  30. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”13034″]Congress CD Email Alert! Check your email – a “Barfie” announcement has come out regarding this new CD, including cover graphics. No track listing (of course) but a teaser that there will be “bits” of unreleased Synclaiver music in the release.[/quote]

    Oh my gosh…18 dollars for something already in the public domain? And that cover…Ugliness! Ugliness!

    How about this for a CD title:

    And the ZFT Shall Make No CDs

  31. Dark Clothes says:

    The cover is not so bad, the drawing style reminds me of Bernie Kriegstein’s work for Mad Magazine in the Fifties. My idea of a really bad Zappa cover is something similar to Bradway the Hard Way, or even Greasy Love Songs, and thankfully this is not like any of those.

    The bit about cheap shipping for preorders is a bogus attraction, just an annoying reminder of how ridiculously overpriced their ordinary shipping and handling rates are.

    But I reserve judgment on the CD itself until I’ve heard it.

  32. Olfactor says:

    it’s a nice cover, but what’s the point of releasing this political commentary now? Why not wait for some election or censorship crisis?

    Besides, congressional tapes + synclavier music is already The Mothers of Prevention.

  33. Bob says:

    [insert boring remark here]

  34. ed says:

    Your credit card will be charged when you place your order. The nature of pre-order sales prohibits order modifications and cancellations. All pre-order sales are final.

    “the nature of pre-order sales”


  35. Rob says:

    Looks like this one should be part of Beat the Boots and/or priced like Ryko’s Cheap Thrills. I’ll most likely pass (again).

  36. Tjodolf says:

    I think I would probably buy a synclavier CD if they released one; most of the rock songs have been released, but there’s an endless supply of synclavier stuff.

  37. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”13060″][insert boring remark here][/quote]

    FZ almost always gave his fans what they wanted: his music. In abundance. His widow appears to do exactly the opposite. If her aim is to put herself out of the music business: bravo, I say, bravo. Keep it up. It’s obvious that Frank Zappa’s musical legacy is the least important thing on the mind of the ZFT right now. Otherwise, they’d be giving the people what they really want…

  38. Numpty says:

    I agree. The ZFT seem hell bent on spoken word releases, rather than any music. I just can’t see the logic in it?????

  39. A.F. Harrold says:

    What’s most irritating is the refusal to release any sort of track listing.

    The (public domain) Congressional testimony is, what, just over half an hour?

    So that might mean another half an hour of new synclavier music – even just the Resolver+Brutality tracks – which to my mind might be worthwhile.

    But, as ever, all we are shown is a kookily worded vague mishmash of a press release with no details. Which is no help or use or encouragement to anyone.

    The impression is either (a) they haven’t finalised a set list a fortnight before the release date or (b) they don’t really care about letting people have the information required to make informed decisions about these things.

    Either way it’s a strange way to go about your business.

  40. Bob says:

    [quote comment=”13070″][quote comment=”13060″][insert boring remark here][/quote]

    FZ almost always gave his fans what they wanted: his music. In abundance. His widow appears to do exactly the opposite. If her aim is to put herself out of the music business: bravo, I say, bravo. Keep it up. It’s obvious that Frank Zappa’s musical legacy is the least important thing on the mind of the ZFT right now. Otherwise, they’d be giving the people what they really want…[/quote]

    Mission Accomplished!!!

  41. ton says:

    People, relax – it’s a release for anyone to either buy or not buy.
    It may not be the best of the ZFT-releases and I can imagine MOFO, Philly, Buffalo, Imaginary Diseases etc more of interest to many, but hey…. a hundred million records come out every week that are total crap – any sentence FZ has ever spoken is worth more than 95% of the releases these days. I see not a lot of complaints anywhere about the total mindlessness that we get on CD, radio, tv anywhere – why making such a fuss about this one.

    Also, check your shelves (if you bought any) and see there is WAY more than spoken word material (which FZ released a lot of himself too, btw, on the Mystery discs, the Uncle Meat CD, the prepared for release Lost Episodes, Playground Psychotics – nobody complained then) on teh ZFT releases.

    Like any record: if you like it, buy it – and if you hate it, don’t.
    If you want more info before you buy it wait till after the release and check first. But it is a bit senseless to pass judgement on anything you haven’t heard.

    I know – like on earlier occasions I will be accused of sucking up to the ZFT, of working for them, of hoping I will get stuff for free for telling nice things. I am nothing of the above. I just find it very strange that on this here forum only one opinion seems to be allowed, and any different one is automatically ridiculed with anger.

    Maybe this all proves how important it is for this text to be released in it’s entirety.

    “But I reserve judgment on the CD itself until I’ve heard it” is the most sensible sentence I have read in all above postings.

    Or maybe this one: “Because OF COURSE you know EXACTLY what’s on it.
    “OF COURSE there’s 27 comments on this”, I said to myself, knowing that at least 20 of them would be dumb as hell, and I wasn’t disappointed (well, in one sense.)”

    There’s one I don’t really know what to think of: “I suspect that Zappa’s cover of 4’33″ could be a great bonus track”.
    The smiley emoticon thingy implies you think of this as a rediculous track, Maroual. But HECK… I paid about a hundred dollars for this Cage tribute set just for this one (although the rest is certainly worthwile too). I think it would be great if it would be released in the “official” Zappa discography as well. The brillance of recording what is essentially a “noise-piece” by Cage during quiet probably nightly hours in a studio that is, apart from FZ himself, completely empty and seperated from the outside world gives a whole new meaning to the composition. It seems like there’s 4,33 of silence here, but try turning up the volume to the max and hear what is captured here in true Cagean spirit. I think Zappa’s version of this piece is sheer brilliance and says SO much more that meets the ear.

  42. Bob says:

    [quote comment=”13282″]People, relax – it’s a release for anyone to either buy or not buy.
    It may not be the best of the ZFT-releases and I can imagine MOFO, Philly, Buffalo, Imaginary Diseases etc more of interest to many, but hey…. a hundred million records come out every week that are total crap – any sentence FZ has ever spoken is worth more than 95% of the releases these days. I see not a lot of complaints anywhere about the total mindlessness that we get on CD, radio, tv anywhere – why making such a fuss about this one.

    Also, check your shelves (if you bought any) and see there is WAY more than spoken word material (which FZ released a lot of himself too, btw, on the Mystery discs, the Uncle Meat CD, the prepared for release Lost Episodes, Playground Psychotics – nobody complained then) on teh ZFT releases.

    Like any record: if you like it, buy it – and if you hate it, don’t.
    If you want more info before you buy it wait till after the release and check first. But it is a bit senseless to pass judgement on anything you haven’t heard.

    I know – like on earlier occasions I will be accused of sucking up to the ZFT, of working for them, of hoping I will get stuff for free for telling nice things. I am nothing of the above. I just find it very strange that on this here forum only one opinion seems to be allowed, and any different one is automatically ridiculed with anger.

    Maybe this all proves how important it is for this text to be released in it’s entirety.

    “But I reserve judgment on the CD itself until I’ve heard it” is the most sensible sentence I have read in all above postings.

    Or maybe this one: “Because OF COURSE you know EXACTLY what’s on it.
    “OF COURSE there’s 27 comments on this”, I said to myself, knowing that at least 20 of them would be dumb as hell, and I wasn’t disappointed (well, in one sense.)”

    There’s one I don’t really know what to think of: “I suspect that Zappa’s cover of 4’33″ could be a great bonus track”.
    The smiley emoticon thingy implies you think of this as a rediculous track, Maroual. But HECK… I paid about a hundred dollars for this Cage tribute set just for this one (although the rest is certainly worthwile too). I think it would be great if it would be released in the “official” Zappa discography as well. The brillance of recording what is essentially a “noise-piece” by Cage during quiet probably nightly hours in a studio that is, apart from FZ himself, completely empty and seperated from the outside world gives a whole new meaning to the composition. It seems like there’s 4,33 of silence here, but try turning up the volume to the max and hear what is captured here in true Cagean spirit. I think Zappa’s version of this piece is sheer brilliance and says SO much more that meets the ear.[/quote]

  43. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”13282″]People, relax – it’s a release for anyone to either buy or not buy.
    It may not be the best of the ZFT-releases and I can imagine MOFO, Philly, Buffalo, Imaginary Diseases etc more of interest to many, but hey…. a hundred million records come out every week that are total crap – any sentence FZ has ever spoken is worth more than 95% of the releases these days. I see not a lot of complaints anywhere about the total mindlessness that we get on CD, radio, tv anywhere – why making such a fuss about this one.

    Also, check your shelves (if you bought any) and see there is WAY more than spoken word material (which FZ released a lot of himself too, btw, on the Mystery discs, the Uncle Meat CD, the prepared for release Lost Episodes, Playground Psychotics – nobody complained then) on teh ZFT releases.[/quote]

    The basic difference, ton, is the ZFT is repackaging material which is already in the public domain and selling it as something new and unique. At least the spoken word material released on “Mystery Disc”, “Uncle Meat”, “Lost Episodes”, and “Playground Psychotics” were bona fide archival releases, far superior to any bootlegged versions (which were not public domain), which is why no one complained: they added to FZ’s legacy. FZ’s PMRC Senate Speech has long been available to any interested party (including all of Zappa’s prepared statement):

    as well as video:

    So, I believe what makes Zappa fans so utterly irate about this release is that it adds nothing new to FZ’s legacy, archival or otherwise – especially when you compare it to prior posthumous releases. Sure, without a complete track list I cannot make an informed judgement, but given the facts at hand, all I can say is “seen it, heard it, read it” – why in the world would I now pay for it?

  44. ton says:

    With the spoken word bit I commented on on of the above reactions who said:
    “I agree. The ZFT seem hell bent on spoken word releases, rather than any music. I just can’t see the logic in it?????”

    What you say here is a lot more valid – I just wanted to make clear that a lot of the complaining here is just for the reason of wanting to complain and finding reasons as one goes along. When the thirs Joe’s Corsage was released there were a lot of complaints about the spoken word as well, while in the conceptual conituity tradition as always described by FZ himself they were just as important as any of the things he released himself, when no one thought of it as gready moneymaking.

    And of course I know that the congressional hearings are already available elsewhere – but to be honest I myself (too old to ever get adjusted to a collection of music and other things without having something IN MY HAND that I can put on the shelves and enjoy having) always prefer to have a psysical release on a format I can enjoy for the sheer amusement of adding it to my collection as well
    And the fact that it may be available somewhere in that vague thing that is called the public domain, that does not change the fact that this text is still a work by FZ himself, and therefore an essential part of his conceptual continuity.

    And, as I just said, if people don’t like it, they can choose not to buy it. I can’t see the reason for so many hatred for something that doesn’t have to be in their way.


  45. ton says:

    Of course I meant PHYSICAL release :O)

  46. ton says:

    And also MUCH hatred.
    (I am in a hurry to get the kids off to school – my apologies for the stupid typo’s)

  47. LR says:

    Time for all you musicians to release your own instrumental compositions mixed with FZ’s Public Domain speech and release it yourself. For free or not.

  48. Dark Clothes says:

    Congress Shall Make No Law

    Official Release #88
    Released: 19 September 2010
    Label: Zappa Records
    Catalog Number: ZR 20011
    Music composed, performed & recorded by Frank Zappa
    Produced by Frank Zappa
    CD Produced by Gail Zappa


    01. Congress Shall Make No Law 32:46
    02. Perhaps in Maryland 10:45
    03. thou shalt have no other gods before Me 2:56
    04. thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image – any likeness of anything in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor ?n the water under the earth 2:31
    05. thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 2:26
    06. thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath day 2:05
    07. thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother 2:21
    08. thou shalt not Kill 2:06
    09. thou shalt not commit adultery 0:55
    10. thou shalt not steal 0:39
    11. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor 1:48
    12. thou shalt not covet the house of thy neighbor, the wife of thy neighbor, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ass, nor anything that belongs to thy neighbor 1:13
    13. Reagan at Bitburg some more 1:10

  49. Gavo says:

    [quote post=”3949″]Congress Shall Make No Law

    Official Release #88
    Released: 19 September 2010
    Label: Zappa Records
    Catalog Number: ZR 20011
    Music composed, performed & recorded by Frank Zappa
    Produced by Frank Zappa
    CD Produced by Gail Zappa


    01. Congress Shall Make No Law 32:46
    02. Perhaps in Maryland 10:45
    03. thou shalt have no other gods before Me 2:56
    04. thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image – any likeness of anything in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor ?n the water under the earth 2:31
    05. thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 2:26
    06. thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath day 2:05
    07. thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother 2:21
    08. thou shalt not Kill 2:06
    09. thou shalt not commit adultery 0:55
    10. thou shalt not steal 0:39
    11. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor 1:48
    12. thou shalt not covet the house of thy neighbor, the wife of thy neighbor, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ass, nor anything that belongs to thy neighbor 1:13
    13. Reagan at Bitburg some more 1:10[/quote]

    Ah ha, track list now up @

    I like the bit that says “Titles of tracks 3 – 12 based on 10 Commandments transcribed by Moses” – I hope Gail cleared that with the Moses Family Trust…

  50. Gavo says:

    I only looked because I guessed that was where Dark Clothes had got the info. Thanks to Dark Clothes!

  51. urbangraffito says:

    Gail Shall Make No CDs
    L’il Brown Moses

    Un-Official Release #666
    Released: 19 September 2010
    Label: Crappa Records
    Catalog Number: CR 00001
    Music composed, performed & recorded by L’il Brown Moses
    Produced by L’il Brown Moses
    CD Produced by L’il Brown Moses


    01. Fans Shall Make No Bootlegs
    02. Or Download No Illegal Copies
    03. Fans thou shalt have no other label before Vaulternative
    04. Fan Weblogs thou shalt not post any graven image – any likeness of anything in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor in the water under the earth resembling Zappa or his Imperial
    05. thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy Gail in vain
    06. thou shalt keep holy Mother’s day (or FZ’s birthday, whichever comes first)
    07. thou shalt honor thy ZFT and thy lawyers
    08. thou shalt cease and desist, at all times, for whatever reason
    09. thou shalt ram it, ram it, ram it (you get the picture)
    10. thou shalt not steal from the Trust (they know where you live)
    11. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Gail
    12. thou shalt not covet the vault of thy Gail, the vaultmeister of thy Gail, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ass, nor anything that belongs to thy Gail
    13. To catch this Mudshark we’re going to need a bigger boat

    Download your copy direct from iTunes. They compress what’s good to go (even what’s long gone).

  52. DC Boogie says:

    Well, Yeah!

  53. The Real (boring) Bob says:

    [quote comment=”12785″]We are unaware of any plans for such a release.[/quote]

    [quote comment=”12814″][quote comment=”12803″]He Who Used To Be Funny But Then He Got Boring For Some Reason.[/quote]

    I think he’s kinda cute, myself.[/quote]

  54. ton says:

    Gavo says:
    I like the bit that says “Titles of tracks 3 – 12 based on 10 Commandments transcribed by Moses” – I hope Gail cleared that with the Moses Family Trust…

    No need, Gavo – it’s already in the public domain.

  55. Dark Clothes says:

    I said earlier that I wouldn’t judge this CD until I’ve heard it. Well, now it seems that I won’t ever judge it, because I won’t buy it.

  56. Thinman says:

    Probably Gail Zappa has finally reached her goal that even Zappa fans won’t buy Zappa releases.

    Frank Zappa’s legacy into nothingness and eternity.

  57. Rob says:

    After reading the early reviews at, if “music is the best” then the best is yet to come…hopefully!

  58. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”13684″]I said earlier that I wouldn’t judge this CD until I’ve heard it. Well, now it seems that I won’t ever judge it, because I won’t buy it.[/quote]

    By my estimates, Dark Clothes, fans will be getting fleeced for what is essentially 30:55 of music. The penalty track (I mean, public domain track) is just as long. And, of course, meanwhile, Zappa works like Dance Me This are still held hostage. It’s enough to, well, nevermind…

  59. The Real (boring) Bob says:

    [quote comment=”13697″]It’s enough to, well, nevermind…[/quote]

    It’s enough to get boring…

  60. [quote comment=”13699″][quote comment=”13697″]It’s enough to, well, nevermind…[/quote]

    It’s enough to get boring…[/quote]
    it’s enough to get boring bob not boring!

  61. cekman says:

    [quote comment=”13697″]By my estimates, Dark Clothes, fans will be getting fleeced for what is essentially 30:55 of music.[/quote]

    Actually, your estimate is too generous. The word from people who have received the CD is, the first track is Frank’s Senate testimony, the second track is Frank’s Maryland State Senate testimony, and the tracks named after the 10 Commandments are all interview clips with a handful of Synclavier snippets gluing them together. The only all-music track, apparently, is the last one, Reagan at Bitburg Some More. So there’s maybe 3 minutes of music, tops, not 30.

  62. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”13706″][quote comment=”13697″]By my estimates, Dark Clothes, fans will be getting fleeced for what is essentially 30:55 of music.[/quote]

    Actually, your estimate is too generous. The word from people who have received the CD is, the first track is Frank’s Senate testimony, the second track is Frank’s Maryland State Senate testimony, and the tracks named after the 10 Commandments are all interview clips with a handful of Synclavier snippets gluing them together. The only all-music track, apparently, is the last one, Reagan at Bitburg Some More. So there’s maybe 3 minutes of music, tops, not 30.[/quote]

    Good Gad, cekman, it’s even worse than I could’ve possibly imagined. I had hoped that tracks named after the Ten Commandments were at very least new synclavier music.

    $18 for 3 minutes of actual music?

  63. Dark Clothes says:

    I suspect that this was planned as a bonus disc to Dance Me This or something, and then Gail got the bright idea of releasing it on its own for the Baltimore thing. It’s really hard to see who she wants to please or “educate” with this empty artifact, though.

    Who will take care of the uncut Ocean Is the Ultimate Solution, Persona Non Grata, The Royce Hall Concerts etc. etc. when not even Joe is allowed to please the fans?

  64. The Real (boring) Bob says:

    [quote comment=”13699″][quote comment=”13697″]It’s enough to, well, nevermind…[/quote]

    It’s enough to get boring…[/quote]

    …enough to take a guy back to Neil Young (again).

  65. familytreestump says:

    I waited for the music to start and it is all talking… and more talking

  66. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”13714″]
    Who will take care of the uncut Ocean Is the Ultimate Solution, Persona Non Grata, The Royce Hall Concerts etc. etc. when not even Joe is allowed to please the fans?[/quote]

    Dark Clothes, it’s pretty clear to this old freak that Gail is too busy getting off on the celebrity of being the wife of the late composer to lower herself to release what nearly every Zappa fan considers seminal concerts (Roxy, The Royce Hall Concerts etc). I need to be educated about Zappa and the Mothers by Gail like I need an education of 80s music by Milli Vanilli.

  67. Rdnzl says:

    Just listened to the thing this morning, I love it 🙂
    What this album is about is so crutial in these days (you guys should come to France to see how easily and freely can censors come back in action) that it had to be put on the market.

  68. Balint says:

    I’ve made some editing, and now I have 2:50 (yes: 2 minutes 50 seconds) of music from the whole album… If it’s an interview disc, why music? If a mixed disc, why so few music? Eh.

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