Joe’s Domage

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Released: 18 September 2004


  1. When It’s Perfect…
  2. The New Brown Clouds
  3. Frog Song
  4. It Might Be A One Shot Deal
  5. The Ending Line…
  6. Blessed Relief/The New Brown Clouds
  7. It Ain’t Real So What’s The Deal
  8. Think It Over(some)/Think It Over(some more)
  9. Another Whole Melodic Section
  10. When It Feels Natural…

18 thoughts on “Joe’s Domage”

  1. A complete rip off! The track listing gives the impression that there is some new material here but there isn’t. It’s just a poorly recorded rehearsal tape full of stops and starts and mumblings while FZ explains to the musicians how to play their parts. DON’T BOTHER TO BUY THIS ALBUM.

  2. This sounds slightly better than cassette tapes of rehearsals usually do, or possibly you just get used to it after a while. But, although its interesting as a snapshot of how Frank put these tunes together, I shouldn’t think many people will play this more than once. This tape would have been more suitable to give away free in mp3 format – as a full price CD its a bit of a rip-off.

    Gail’s pathetic imitation of Frank’s style of sleevenote-writing is just as irritating and uninformative as usual.

  3. Hello from France
    I just received the two Joe’s (in the announced time and well shipped). I agree with others KUR comments. The Domage one is rather disappointing. Not so informative as Corsage, sound is not clear, songs are not played completly most of the time. Nevertheless it’s a document about the way Zappa was working. There are after all some bootlegs of other rehearsals (and some concerts) at other period which are as poorly recorded and that we have paid sometimes much more than 20$ (a little less in euros). I just hope that the next productions of the series are going to be better. The Domage is obviously for die-hard zappaholic fans. And even them could become angry with it.
    Sylvain Siclier

  4. I hafta be honest, I enjoyed the crap out of Domage. Admittedly, it’s probably not something you’re going to listen to that often (no more often than you would any rehearsal tape that you got in a trade, for instance, because that’s all this is–a rehearsal tape), not something you’re going to listen to in the car, or at work (if you’re that priviledged at the workplace). Admittedly #2, it’s really not for everybody. I can sense a lot of complaints on the way about Le Domage, but.. eh.. tis entirely a matter of personal taste. I always find rehearsal stuff endlessly fascinating. It makes me listen to parts of songs in a different way. You notice things that are buried in the arrangements on the studio version, you get to hear certain parts played on their own, making them stand out. That’s the real joy of listening to this album. With Domage you get the added surprise (which I’m going to spoil) that the beginning of “Big Swifty” was originally part of “The New Brown Clouds”, plus for the first time on an official release, you get to hear (albeit faintly) the “Think It Over” lyrics sung atop the “Grand Wazoo” music, and the track titled “Another Whole Melodic Section” is an honest to Jah never-before-officially-released piece of music. It would pain me to say this release is worthless, or a rip-off, and as far as I’m concerned, it isn’t at all.

  5. It’s interesting to hear the birth of riffs and whatnot, as well as hearing FZ count out time or tell the band the key, but if this is what’s in store for the upcoming releases, I’m a bit wary of what’s to come.

    This is for true collectors only, and even for them (or us), it’s not something to be listened to more than once or twice.

  6. It’s hard to believe that with the all of the options the ZFT has in the vault for release that they would put this out ( other than possibly as a bonus disc is beyond me) .Although I understand how Frank’s creative process is of interest,it certainly doesn’t lend itself to many repeated listens ! . 5-10 minutes of these outtakes with a lot more complete musical selections would have been far more interesting..C’mon ZFT! Give us a break! Bring on Trance Fusion!!!!

  7. Just played Domage. Big disappointment.While I’m keen to hear all things FZ it’s pushing it to make this worthy of official release.
    I’m with Jim D.Pie on this one – it should have been a giveaway.
    What price the friday boot?

  8. Well I honestly can’t say I dislike Joe’s Domage. True, it’s sketchy, it lacks the flow and musical perfection of a typical FZ release. Whether you’ll like this one or not, therefor, depends on whether you’re the kind of person that’s curious about FZ’s creative process – beyond the finished product. If you’re looking for the next “One Size Fits All”: don’t buy this. If you want to hear FZ sculpting away at what would become two classics (“Grand Wazoo” and “Waka Jawaka”), if you don’t mind the inevitably fragmented and less than audio-perfect nature of rehearsal recordings, my guess is you’re going to like this one. Of course, being a fan of FZ’s Petite/Grand Wazoo period might help too :-)

  9. i dont see what the big beef is …anything new to listen to that has f.z’s voice or his direction is ok with me although there are some pros and cons to it …give ZFT some credit for at least putting it out and realizing how the music all came about …i just cant be negative about anything ZFT does so im not dissapointed at all and if you dint like it just give it to a friend who might appreciate it …music is the best ….thanks ZFT

  10. I agree with those who said that this won’t be played more than once or twice. This is due to the start-stop nature of it coupled with the muffled audio. Gets on your nerves. That said, I do like the Grand wazoo/Waka Jawaka material, it is great to see how it was put together. As such, I am glad this is available, but to put it out at full price is way out of line.

  11. I can’t believe people are defending the ZFT’s choices just because of their last name!
    As for this release, you have to ask…would Frank have released something like this? Answer: Not in a million years!
    Joe Travers is a good drummer, but he sucks as a “vaultmeister” and in knowing what the fans want.
    Where the hell is the Roxy DVD (or any live show DVD)?

  12. Listen you bloody idiots. How do yo expect anything worthwhile to happen if all you do is bitch about anything you can think of? The ’65 disc – admittedly 35 mins approx – is absolutely unbelievable and far superior to “Freak Out” and the R&B sections of “Absolutely Free” and the Grand Wazoo rehersal tape is fascinating! It was recorded on a cassette in 1972 and reveals FZ’s skill and imagination in a breathtakingly refreshing installment of greatness. It was also something none of us had ever heard before. And quite frankly, who gives a fuck about the sleevenotes? Do you buy Frank Zappa music to be told how to appreciate it or are you the brain police? Here’s the easy New York teenage version motherfucker – whoever you are, wherever you’re from – YOU ARE DUMB ALL OVER! And it’s gonna take a lot more than naively criticizing the Zappa Family Trust for you to realise that your excuse for an observation is nothing more than a jazz discharge party hat!

    Sure, I’d like to see the ZFT release the following:

    4. STOCKHOLM 1973 DVD

    But it can’t gonna happen if they’re met with needless animousity on almost every level imaginable. When was the last time we read something positive, or indeed accurate about the ZFT on the internet. Here’s a thought – they own -as far as I know – Frank’s intellectual property until 2043. Treat them with respect or we may have to survive on stolen tapes etc. until then.

  13. So essentially what you’re saying is shut up and be grateful that we have the opportunity to buy 35 minutes worth of music of questionable quality and sound for triple what it’s worth.
    Honestly, I dig what they attempted to do on Corsage but Domage was a bit too far. I mean of all the things to release, with the unreleased masters of Zappa’s post-humous albums, the 12 record Mothers box, the stuff you mentioned, hell, even to release the full studio sessions and outtakes of Hot Rats but this?
    I see what they’re trying to do, behind the scenes of a band that was never on record. But based on the quality and the small size of information on the cd. I’m sure it could have been filled with some other relevant material (and then some). THis was just a shoddy release that was not thought out too well.
    And if it is so hard to release Frank’s work, then sign all the goddamn tapes over to Ryko or something!!!
    I appreciate their efforts but there is so much there that they neednt develope their own projects and compliations for a long time.

  14. For the true hardcore Zappa fan only! I was let down by this initially, but have grown to like it a little more. For me, it falls into the same category as Playground Psychotics and Francesco Zappa – In the sense that I dont listen to them much,but when I do they are pleasurable. Domage highlight is listening to FZ instruct the band, something which I had never heard before, not being a hardcore live/demo/rehearsal FZ collector…..Domage is worth getting if you love and own the rest of the catalogue….Not as a first listen though…

  15. The release of Joe’s Corsage imbued me with school girl like excitement and hope of as good (or even better) discs to come. I immediately pre-ordered Domage when it was announced and waited impatiently for it to materialise. At that point in time, I was unhealthily obsessed with Waka/Jawaka and The Grand Wazoo, and the prospect of a whole disc of demo material left me dripping with excitement. The one mainstream magazine review I could find gushed praise.

    I must admit, I misled myself somewhat. I was under the impression that these would be properly mixed studio run-throughs of the material I so loved, much like the early working version of Inca Roads on Lost Episodes. Self-deception, as Jean Paul Sartre would be happy to tell you, is a veritable crime.

    Domage collates incomplete and shoddily recorded rehearsal tapes and offers them to you on a plate. And they’re far from being a sumptuous dish. Almost every recording is incomplete, and cuts abound. The tape sounds like it was recorded in the U-Bend of rehearsal space toilet.

    For someone interested in the mechanics of FZ’s compositional construction techniques, Domage may provide a few interesting listening experiences. If this were a bootleg, I would class it as an excellent find. As an official release added to the Zappa cannon, it’s nothing more than a wasted opportunity. For people wanting a true FZ product, they’re better off investing in some Zappa vinyl. The ZFT has promised much, and delivered little. They’ve hardly been subdued in their descriptions of the wealth of material in the Zappa vault, so why release something like this?

  16. Well, a friend played me this (that is still allowed isn’t it?) yesterday to try and knock me out of my recent non-zappaness. Is he mad? I can’t think of a better example of a shoddy release.

    Fine if you like rehearsal tapes, although I guess that the man himself would have cringed at the thought of this being made available to the public.

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