iPod, You Pod

Well today I could no longer resist the sheer beauty and functionality of the iPod, so I went and bought me one. Not the Shuffle (1Gb, ha!), nor the iPod nano (4Gb, haha!) and certainly not the iPod U2 (U2, hahaha!) — no, just the regular 20Gb white one.
Funny thing is you can have a phrase engraved on the back of it, which of course I couldn’t resist either. Free beer for the person who can guess what I had engraved on it… :)

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40 Responses to iPod, You Pod

  1. SOFA says:

    Music is the Best

  2. SOFA says:

    Kill Ugly Radio

  3. Bob Again says:

    “Ist das nicht unheimlich?”

  4. vrnzr says:

    Peaches En Regalia


  5. Balint says:

    Master Of Puppets?…

  6. Dr Sharleena says:

    An iPod?!! :shock:
    Hmmm… “Kill Ugly Radio” (?)

  7. No no no! (points to balint for funniness though!)

    Yes an iPod, esteemed Dr Sharleena! Just look at all the stuff you can do with this tiny technological marvel! :)

  8. Bob Ross says:

    …”Eddie are you kidding?”

  9. Bob Ross says:

    …”is there anything good inside of you…”?

  10. Dr Sharleena says:

    … “Kilroy was here”..(??)

  11. Duncan says:

    Can’t Afford No Shoes
    Hot Poop

    Once you have Linux running…
    you can play Doom…

    Need a pee? You need pPod…
    (you also need to be in London)

  12. Nope!
    Ha, keep it coming guys – good quotes to engrave on the back of an iPod!

  13. Okay okay, a hint: it starts with a “T”…

  14. Harald says:

    There’s no Hell, there’s only France.

  15. Bob Ross says:

    some hint…yeeech!

    maybe a hint as to WHY this quote would be relevant to a device such as an ipod…or IS IT?

  16. Nope. Give you another hint though: it starts with “The”.

  17. Bob Ross says:

    wait…I have the best so far…

    remember he said he got the WHITE one…

    “The white zone is for loading (get it!?) and unloading only!”

  18. SOFA says:

    I’ve got it! I’ve got it!

    The ZFT SUCKS…

    (or, The Torture Never Stops?)

  19. Bob Ross: in its own peculiarly twisted way, it is… (ps: when I say “free beer”, I mean a free sample of an exotic belgian beer shall be sent off to the correct respondant, no kidding!)

  20. Bob Ross says:

    I guessed it? I still like the quote from Andy better…

  21. Wooo three comments at exactly the same minute – now that must be a first at KUR! But kids? We’re not there yet…

  22. Bob Ross says:

    a little more help than THE would be nice….

  23. Bob Ross says:

    At LEAST confirm what we’re assuming. Tell us if it is FZ related or not!

  24. Wouldn’t it? ;) One more – gentlemen start your engines cause this is my last hint for the day: ionisation.

  25. Bob Ross says:

    The present day composer refues to die!

  26. Bob Ross says:

    well, you know what I meant…

  27. Bob Ross says:

    or….the power and the fury…

  28. Bob Ross says:

    well…i’m done….give me a beer!

  29. *** BOB ROSS WINS!!!!!!! ***

    Yes indeed, the quote as engraved on my iPod reads:
    “The Modern Day Composer Refuses To Die!”

    Mail me your addy Bob and I’ll send off a deeeelicious Fruit Défendu…

  30. SOFA says:

    You may have had “The Present Day…” inscribed, but you were THINKING “the ZFT SUCKS”, c’mon, Barry, admit it…

  31. Heee. So true.

    But wait: is it “present day” or “modern day” composer? Maybe it’s not too late to notify the Apple dealership?! :shock:

  32. SOFA says:

    Now I’m not sure…
    I think Varese was Present and FZ mod-o-fied his to Modern.
    I’ll have to check…

  33. Central screw10iser says:

    If its a white ipod it must say ‘ The white zone is for loading & unloading only”

    I’ll have that beer in a keg Barry!

  34. Bob Ross says:

    Dear Central screw10iser,

    You must learn to be a bit more scrutinizing!

    You were about 6 hours LATE dude!

    AND you stole my line, anyhoo.

  35. Hans says:

    With a T.
    (Yup, I know the correct answeris alreday posted, but hey)

    Titties & Beer!

    Call Steve Jobs. Do it now. And make it a collect call.

  36. e.varese says:

    the modern day composer refuses to die!

  37. Tijd says:

    How very clever of you there, e.varese. ;-) How on earth did you know?

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