Tension = Sales

Stanley Zappa makes an interesting point:

(…) I had occasion to speak with my friend Mark on the telephone. We talked about this and that.

“Tension equals sales” said Mark.
“It sounds like Gail took marketing 101”

Tension equals sales. (Tension = Sales)

At first it kind of sounded like Reich. In the end it just sounds like the devilry it is.

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11 Responses to Tension = Sales

  1. bernard says:

    Reich : ” Emotion can be stored in the body as tension”.

    Tension is the starting point.
    Now beyond freudism.

    – Tension is confronted- in US- with greedy lawyers, eager to initiate new law suits.
    – Tension leads to short term thinking( ie not thinking about a mid or long term legacy)

    Result of that cocktail?

  2. Balint says:

    I dont not the understand veri good this. But I’ll read it again. :-)

  3. xorg says:

    I think Stanley is using some obscure language and pseudo-intellectual references to suggest that the recent litigation by Ga*l and the ZF* is nothing more than a convoluted publicity stunt.

  4. Stanley has a way of saying things in a somewhat cryptic way; however I wouldn’t call his writing “pseudo-intellectual”. Regardless, he presents an angle to these recent events that I hadn’t considered before.

  5. Moggio's Moldy Oreos says:

    Very interesting theory. But, I am sticking with the theory that she is being controlled by aliens who come from the star Beetleguese.

    Nanoo nanoo!

  6. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”17752″]I think Stanley is using some obscure language and pseudo-intellectual references to suggest that the recent litigation by Ga*l and the ZF* is nothing more than a convoluted publicity stunt.[/quote]

    While I don’t think the current litigation by Ga*l and the ZF* is a convoluted publicity stunt, I do think that Ga*l does equates personal attention with potential sales (as would any other megalomaniac). Otherwise, what is the point in what she is doing? Obviously, she doesn’t know shit from shinola when it comes to successful business practices. Exactly which economist suggests that a company alienate it’s consumer base in order to create demand for a product? And exactly which universe does that economist live in? Ga*l’s a joke. The ZF* is a joke. I’d laugh if they weren’t so hurtful and cruel to those who love the maestro’s music.

  7. giantalbinopenguin says:

    “Tension = sales”

    That statement = Bollocks.

  8. [quote comment=”17774″]That statement = Bollocks.[/quote]
    Perhaps it is not so in the eyes of Goil Zooppi.

  9. giantalbinopenguin says:

    Who knows? She’s obviously on a different plane than many of us…

  10. vince says:

    [quote comment=”17755″]Very interesting theory. But, I am sticking with the theory that she is being controlled by aliens who come from the star Beetleguese.

    Nanoo nanoo![/quote]

    MAybe the Adams Family (John, not Gomez) can sue HER!!!

  11. Ohhhhhrrrr says:

    > Tension = Sales

    Yes that is true if you cater to a bunch of super-hyper fascists running to rip the latest hat off the shelf. Some companies pay for clappers like this to drag others with them. Tension can only be created with a source for something new, something that someone wants to be the first to crown him/herself with to shine.

    In GAZA’s case this is sales in clueless-land …

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