Hello Again World

Not dead yet — told you so!

I could go into minute detail about how, when and why we set this new blog up. I could get all bitter and resentful while at it. I won’t.

This is the new KUR — for better or for worse. It’s good to see you again.

Hope you like it!

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34 Responses to Hello Again World

  1. KZap says:

    Welcome back!


  2. Kevin Hoover says:

    Alrightee then! Let’s see where this goes. And let me be the first to say…

    Zappa (still) RULZ!

  3. evaristo says:

    KUR is back! Yesssss!
    Best of luck, boys&girls!

  4. Clenn says:

    Fresh and tight! The words/symbols at the very top confused me a bit however. I look forward to your updates.

  5. Hans says:

    Yes! Yes! Once more, with feeling: yes! Good to see that KUR is back again.

    Carlos ZZ zerpa

  7. Roland says:

    This is the new KUR:
    It´s new!
    It´s the future!
    It´s about change!
    It´s about evolution!
    It´s about moving!
    I am really excited!
    And I like it … 🙂

  8. Ohhhhhrrrr says:

    Great Barry, you may want to read this about the RIAA, may get some dudes in hot water (eventually). Let’s hope so!

    Lawsuit to possibly reveal RIAA secrets?

    Things will get very ugly over the next few months for the RIAA, if one disgruntled file sharing lawsuit victim gets her way. Tanya Andersen, the single mother who filed a countersuit against the RIAA after the organization mistakenly sued her for sharing music online, attempted to hold it responsible for all sorts of heavy infractions. RIAA could be forced to release potentially incriminating details about its techniques for investigating alleged file sharers. This information would likely be held under a confidential seal, but if lawsuits over mold, tobacco, and asbestos are any indication, the RIAA’s secrets will likely leak out into the legal community at large, potentially culminating in a class-action lawsuit.

    Once Tanya Andersen files her amended Complaint, which the RIAA is barred from contesting this time around, the organization could have to explain the following details by producing documents and allowing major-label anti-piracy executives to be deposed:

    – How much the RIAA’s lawyers make
    – Why the average file sharing settlement fee is $4-5K
    – How it decides which file sharers to sue, and which ones not to sue
    – Where the settlement money goes (i.e. whether any of it makes it to the artists)

    If it turns out that the RIAA is paying its investigators (such as MediaSentry) a percentage of the settlements that result from their investigations, it is in even more trouble. That’s illegal in many states, according to Ratoza, including New York. Even without a class action lawsuit, the RIAA nutshell is likely to split wide open after Andersen’s case hits the discovery phase, causing problems in subsequent cases. Ratoza expects the discovery phase in Andersen’s case to start in about 90 days, and said it will last 4-6 months.


  9. Lunchmeat says:

    Thanks for the invite. Good to be here.

  10. xorg says:


  11. Corné says:

    Good to see this!!

    Looks very nice….

  12. toomucho says:

    Hi, Barry it’s good to see: KUR is not dead, it don’t even smells funny

  13. Skeeter says:

    Looking forward to seeing where you take the site. Best of luck!

  14. Bálint says:

    Blah!!! 🙂
    Hi all!

  15. tweez says:

    Ah. I see you’re back to getting filthy rich off the talent of the late Mr. Zappa.

    No wait. Someone else is squeezing his work dry and trying to render his moldy corpse for financial gain. Not you.

    Good luck Barry.

  16. HairFarmer says:

    Sweet layout. I like the banner particularly. Keeping the faith *and*
    keeping it positive!

  17. Hugh says:

    Nice Job, Barry! Welcome Back!
    I agree with the rest, the banner looks cool.

    Ya know . . . I think I’ll make a fresh start as well!

  18. Jeroen says:

    Looks beautiful. Off to a fresh ‘n’ positive start!

  19. SOFA - Philostopher/Chef says:

    Gone with the Red Menace!
    Up with the Blue Lite!
    Now, where’s the Leffe?

  20. vince says:

    I thought that was a refrence to The Fall at the top there. Roush Rumble.

  21. michael says:

    welcome back….i wish you many years of success…..PEACE !!!!

  22. Jamez says:

    Welcome back!! P.S. What about a Captain Beefheart vid?

  23. About time I said thanks to all of you for stickin’ with us… Thanks!
    [quote comment=”24″]Gone with the Red Menace!
    Up with the Blue Lite!
    Now, where’s the Leffe?[/quote]
    … and there was much rejoicing as Barry’s trademark Red Menace colour scheme, recognizable yet feared by many, was replaced with a nice and cozy Blue Lite theme… As for that Leffe: it’s right here in the office fridge — come and get it bro! 😉

    [quote comment=”25″]I thought that was a reference to The Fall at the top there. Roush Rumble.[/quote]
    It’s actually just a picture of one of those old backlit German/English stereo units — no hidden messages! So now you know where The Fall got their mustard.

    [quote comment=”32″] P.S. What about a Captain Beefheart vid?[/quote]
    Erh… YouTube? Or do you wish for me to do a video-taped impression of the Captain? Tempting…

  24. SOFA - Philostopher/Chef says:

    Real Beer.
    Mind if I hang out with youz for another decade?

  25. urbangraffito says:

    I don’t know about you Barry, or Jamez, but to me, at least, all modern performance poetry reminds me of Captain Beefheart (aka Don Van Vliet) lyrics. The man should be awarded a prize for his contribution to the 20th Century spoken word…

  26. Bob Again says:

    here we go _____!

  27. bernard says:

    Yes, Bob gain, it happens to be true. The Captain will anyway survive. A legacy on his own. Proof of the cake : just come back within 30 yers, he’ll still be there.

    As I don’t like words/ lyrics in music, it should be ’bout music. Note after note.

    Here’s another great ( unexpected , ie from Romania & female ) example:


    A. M. Avram: truly great. I’ve seen the evidence on stage.

  28. jim says:


    Very nice.
    Looks smoother & sexier now.

    Just rollin’ with that KUR Crew, yo.

  29. morimoto says:

    Great to see you back…Music is the best!


  30. Jamez says:

    [quote comment=”34″]About time I said thanks to all of you for stickin’ with us… Thanks!
    [quote comment=”24″]Gone with the Red Menace!
    Up with the Blue Lite!
    Now, where’s the Leffe?[/quote]
    … and there was much rejoicing as Barry’s trademark Red Menace colour scheme, recognizable yet feared by many, was replaced with a nice and cozy Blue Lite theme… As for that Leffe: it’s right here in the office fridge — come and get it bro! 😉

    [quote comment=”25″]I thought that was a reference to The Fall at the top there. Roush Rumble.[/quote]
    It’s actually just a picture of one of those old backlit German/English stereo units — no hidden messages! So now you know where The Fall got their mustard.

    [quote comment=”32″] P.S. What about a Captain Beefheart vid?[/quote]
    Erh… YouTube? Or do you wish for me to do a video-taped impression of the Captain? Tempting…[/quote]

    O.K then..I dare you!! Do a version of ‘Gimme Dat Harp Boy’ as Beefheart!

  31. [quote comment=”81″]O.K then..I dare you!! Do a version of ‘Gimme Dat Harp Boy’ as Beefheart![/quote]
    Well I didn’t see that one coming! 🙂
    If / when time permits…

  32. casper says:

    Welcome back indeed. The RSS feed picked it up just now, but nevertheless..

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