FZ Alumni Muxtape

After spending the good part of the last two weeks packing all my beloved FZ albums, tapes, CDs, (as well as everything else I own) into more boxes than I care to count in preparation for the big move downtown — I decided that the last thing I ought to do before tearing down and packing up the G5 is upload a muxtape of some of my favourite FZ alumni tracks. Click here to check them out. They’ll all be left up until next Friday. See you after the move!

About urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.
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5 Responses to FZ Alumni Muxtape

  1. Good luck with the move! You wouldn’t want to drop any of those cardboard boxes…

  2. Sharleena says:

    Went direct to track #5 (Avalon…) and just loved it; don’t miss it!
    Thanks and best wishes for the future in your new home urbangraffito…

  3. jane23 says:

    thanks for sharing
    sugarcane harris, rocks

  4. Bill says:

    Speaking of alumni…

    I’ve recently had the good fortune to befriend Ed Mann and will be performing a show with him in Boston. He’ll be joining my dub group Buru Style for an evening of improv/electo-dub stuff and, if I have my way, a few dubbed out FZ charts (I’ve got the charts, getting the band to learn them is the next, much harder, step). It’s at Johnny D’s in Boston on Thursday Aug. 7th. If you fine webmasters would be willing to make a post of it I’ll tell you much more.

    Thanks for the site, I read every post.

  5. [quote comment=”1831″]If you fine webmasters would be willing to make a post of it I’ll tell you much more.[/quote]
    If you’re willing to tell us much more, us fine webmasters will be more than willing to make a post of it. 🙂

    Feel free to drop me a note at killuglyradio@gmail.com.

    BTW: any chance of a live recording that we could make available here?

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