Impressions From Zappanale #19

From FZ tribute band Zappatika:

Sharl’s friend Debutante Daisy performing “Montana” with the Low Budget Research Kitchen:

Low Budget Research Kitchen plays “Inca Roads”:

The Wrong Object with Stanley J. Zappa on sax:

The Paul Green School of Rock All-Stars perform “One Shot Deal”:

The Paul Green School of Rock with Napoleon M. Brock and Denny Walley perform “Advance Romance”:

Many, many more to be found on YouTube…

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6 Responses to Impressions From Zappanale #19

  1. Sharleena says:

    Hats off Tina! and Stanley! You guys wear your name with dignity!
    Same for Zappatika and all the bands i can have a glimpse here…
    What a pity we couldn’t make it there… Maybe next time.
    Tina; lemme know when you move into Bad Doberan, it’s only a step from Belgium; you can have a beer at KUR’s Tower anytime 🙂

  2. Tina says:

    Bad Doberan is a beautiful seaside town just a few short miles from the Baltic Sea. Our hotel room overlooked the Zappa bust and there is a pub owned by a nice man named Gunnar that was literally steps away. Gunnar plays Zappa 24-7 and stayed open for us until the wee hours which was a perfect way to wind down after a full day of partying at the festival.

    The people at the Zappanale (especially the Zappateers) are perhaps the coolest folks on the planet. Positive vibes, great music…my cup literally overflowed with joy and happiness.

    If you have not been to a Zappanale yet start planning your trip NOW. Zappanale 20 is not something that should be missed by any “serious” Frank Zappa fan!

    As for my singing debut…well, let’s just say that I won’t be quitting my day job anytime soon. It was a high in an of itself as I have been listening to Franks music for over 30 years now. What better way to pay homage to my hero?

    Thank you Low Budget Research Kitchen for the honor of fronting their band for 2 songs. Also special love to Dr. Dot who was kind enough to think of me when her plans suddenly changed and she could no longer make it to the festival. She was supposed to be on stage, not me. There was no way I was going to pass up an opportunity to sing on stage.

    Music is the Best!!
    Debutante Daisy

  3. jane23 says:

    i hope it all sounded better in person.
    was that a transgendered mark volman with debutante daisy?
    I think i have to agree with gail on this one
    I’m sure it was a fun festival but I really think gail has a legal case.
    fo the most part they destryoed frank’s music.

  4. [quote comment=”2111″]i hope it all sounded better in person.
    was that a transgendered mark volman with debutante daisy?
    I think i have to agree with gail on this one
    I’m sure it was a fun festival but I really think gail has a legal case.
    fo the most part they destryoed frank’s music.[/quote]
    Jane23: that’s a bit harsh, I think. You can’t really tell the quality of the music based off of these crappy cellphone recorded clips. What you can tell from them is the overall vibe — mellow, relaxed, and carrying an overwhelming love for FZ’s music.

  5. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”2111″]i hope it all sounded better in person.
    was that a transgendered mark volman with debutante daisy?
    I think i have to agree with gail on this one
    I’m sure it was a fun festival but I really think gail has a legal case.
    fo the most part they destryoed frank’s music.[/quote]

    Huh? I, for one, would have loved to have been there. Even through the crappy cellphone video, the sound and vibe of this festival comes through loud and clear. Your last name need not be Zappa to perform Frank’s music. I hope they win their case and that Zappanale continues for a very, very long time. At least there will be one festival where love of FZ’s music will reign supreme, and musician’s worldwide will have a focal point through which to meet and celebrate with ordinary fans once every year (instead of the ongoing litigation-festival that Gail and the ZFT has been sponsoring: which no one goes to except for her lawyers and those poor unfortunates unlucky enough to receive an invitation).

  6. Jamez says:

    When I clicked on the Denny/Napi video, it said ‘no longer available..hmmmm…..wonder who could have done that?

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