Drum Jam – The Zappa Drummers

Terry Bozzio, Ralph Humphrey, Chester Thompson and Chad Wackerman in this exclusive preview of Drum Channel’s Drum Jams – featuring the Zappa Drummers (via the Idiot Bastard).

I like it. (I wonder when the 2nd part of the “Zappa Drummers’ Roundtable” comes up.)

About Balint

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15 Responses to Drum Jam – The Zappa Drummers

  1. Alex says:

    meanwhile…Bad News: We sincerely regret to inform you that yes, we’re delayed. Here’s a little token for your extreme from UMRK:

    …talkin’ retards here, folks!

  2. Alex says:

    That isn’t me, just wanted to clarify…

  3. Alex says:

    Though I will say two things:

    1.) That really fuckin’ sucks about Lumpy Money’s delay.

    2.) From here on out, so as not to be confused with this other Alex, I’ll have a website link posted to my name.

  4. Balint says:

    here’s the entrance for the full one – you must be a member to watch it.

  5. [quote comment=”3062″]From here on out, so as not to be confused with this other Alex, I’ll have a website link posted to my name.[/quote]
    Unfortunately that’s not quite bullet proof Alex, as one could easily fill in your name, and the URL it’s associated with. Yes: dirt tactics, but it happens. Luckily the WordPress back-end has features that enable us to figure out who’s who, so not to worry.

  6. Alex says:

    How do I get an avatar then?

  7. [quote comment=”3070″]How do I get an avatar then?[/quote]
    Easy! Get an account here using the email address you fill out here at KUR when you comment, and then upload the image of your choice.

  8. Alex says:

    Here we go.

    Barry, you’re a pal.

  9. jane23 says:

    Avatar Test.
    Let’s see if this thing works.

  10. jane23 says:

    Yep, looks just like me.

  11. Harry Barris says:

    Nice little drum jam. Though a version of T’Mershi Duween with Ruth would have been greatly preferred.

  12. spot says:

    urbangraffito said
    “Because only a poofter of extreme proportions would actually think that Frank Zappa and The Zappa Family Trust are one and the same.”

    No shit, Einstein. Your constant and consistent whining about the imaginary sins of the ZFT betray more of something about YOU, and not THEM. Boo-fucking-hoo!

    I don’t think that most of the productions from the ZFT are worth owning. Really, I don’t. Does that mean I have to have a period about it? No.

  13. terje says:

    [quote post=”678″]Does that mean I have to have a period about it? No.[/quote]

    i think you just did.

  14. drummer boy says:

    Remarkable stuff, it is actually lovely to find several drumming blogs on the net. There are not all that many sites around about drums that I’ve found at any rate. I’ll subscribe to your rss and see what you come out with next!

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