
Not suitable for the faint of ear.

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13 Responses to Foutje!

  1. Johnny says:

    Music is the Best 😉

  2. Plooker says:

    I love it! My son (10) just started the alto sax in school so I bought a trumpet to learn with him, this sounds very familiar. Those high notes are a bitch.

  3. Enough to scare the Monolith right off back to where it came from. I lol’ed! Nice one Dr Sharl 🙂

  4. Hans says:

    Death Metal is so 2008. Death Brass is going to be all the rage, ya know.

  5. jane23 says:

    WOW. That almost rivals Go Tell it on the Mountain by that woman and her daughter on that cable tv show you posted here a while back.

  6. Paul Sempschi says:

    for some reason, it reminds me of Sun Ra.

  7. [quote comment=”7437″]WOW. That almost rivals Go Tell it on the Mountain by that woman and her daughter on that cable tv show you posted here a while back.[/quote]
    Go Tell It On The Mountain by that woman and her daughter on that cable tv show I posted here a while back 😉

  8. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”7434″]I love it! My son (10) just started the alto sax in school so I bought a trumpet to learn with him, this sounds very familiar. Those high notes are a bitch.[/quote]

    Yes, Plooker, those high notes are a bitch! Practice makes perfect, though. I found myself smiling throughout the entire performance. Sure, they might have flubbed it in spots, but reaching for, and achieving, that perfect note is what it’s all about. Music is the best!

    P.S. Just wait until your son starts playing those “low notes”. Man, they were a real bitch!

  9. snutz says:

    It sounds like waking up with a bad hangover.

  10. Bob says:

    Has it been digitally enhanced?

  11. Thinman says:

    [quote comment=”7450″]Has it been digitally enhanced?[/quote]
    Heh, heh!

  12. vivalapsych says:

    According to the YouTube page this is actually the Portsmouth Sinfonia, not a student band.

    There’s another version up, which I think is from one of their LPs, but this version kills it.

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