Westwood One: The Real Frank Zappa

Recorded in Frank Zappa‘s Living Room (the Den) on June 8th, 1989 and interviewed by Mike Reynolds for the Westwood One Radio Network on the occasion of the release of The Real Frank Zappa Book – I’ve edited the interview into four successive parts. Zappa has a wonderful and unique way of describing the times he lived through, and many of the people he’s encountered along the way.

Part One
[audio:FrankZappa1989-06-08Interview (01).mp3]

Part Two
[audio:FrankZappa1989-06-08Interview (02).mp3]

Part Three
[audio:FrankZappa1989-06-08Interview (03).mp3]

Part Four
[audio:FrankZappa1989-06-08Interview (04).mp3]

About urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.
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2 Responses to Westwood One: The Real Frank Zappa

  1. palsic says:

    After 35 years being a Zappa fan, I never tire of listening to him being interviewed. Especially when he’s having fun doing it.

  2. vivalapsych says:

    For some reason when I listen to this it’s sped up, though decipherable . I keep expecting Frank to say “Leave my nose alone, please”

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