Pierre Vervloesem (previously) writes:
I have recorded and mixed a CACA cd, i don’t know when it’s gonna be released and on wich label etc… simply because that doesn’t interest me at all. I “compose”, play the guitar, planned one (1) rehearsal, record and mix, other than that i just don’t feel it’s my business, i could be perfectely happy doing cd’s just for 2,3 friends and play gigs at their anniversary.
Somebody convince this man he needs to get his music outthere!
Luckily the band does have a website where you can listen to three of their tunes – “ZGROL” for one, is quite a delightful Zappaesque treat.
Very good. And I’m always delighted when someone uses Bandcamp to host their music.
Very Zappaesque, indeed!
Nice work, Pierre & co.
also, thanks for introducing me to Band Camp. Looks excellent.
[quote comment=”11081″]also, thanks for introducing me to Band Camp. Looks excellent.[/quote]
Hey now! 😉
[quote post=”3610″]Hey now! ;)[/quote]
oops! Sorry Barry…. I check KUR a lot, but obviously not quite enough!
[quote comment=”11049″]Very Zappaesque, indeed![/quote]
Chaotic and free-jazzy and vastly skillfull, yes. But Zappaesque? For that, i miss the eyebrows.
[quote comment=”11097″][quote comment=”11049″]Very Zappaesque, indeed![/quote]
Chaotic and free-jazzy and vastly skillfull, yes. But Zappaesque? For that, i miss the eyebrows.[/quote]
How bout the giant Major chords in the middle of the piece? Zappa often did this in pieces like Dupree’s paradise, when conducting the band, or when a show would end.
I’ll admit, the term Zappaesque is a very subjective one, and open to much interpretation. Yet since FZ was such a genre bender in his own right, I think the application of the term ‘Zappaesque’ should always be given a very wide berth.
Let’s all become good friends with the guy so he’ll release CDs for the thousands of us and play numerous international anniversaries.