Son of Roxy & Elsewhere – DVD Preview

News from The Idiot Bastard: 1.) New ZPZ DVD sometimes: Son Of Roxy; 2.) new singer soon to be announced (ohh-ohh – might it be Ahmet?…), 3.) new post on the ZPZ blog, not really mentioning the above (yet?); and with some solo-samples.
The DVD above was recorded on the 12th of december – see the setlist here. I think I’ll buy it – along with One Shot Deal.

About Balint

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63 Responses to Son of Roxy & Elsewhere – DVD Preview

  1. Hugh says:

    (This is a post I made on Zappateers. I think it’s worth repeating)

    I love ZPZ. I ‘ve seen them 5 times. All fun shows.

    But I wouldn’t buy this in a million years.

    Frankly, we have all been waiting much too long for the real Roxy.

    Son of Roxy? You’ve got to kidding me? I feel insulted.

    Hey Dweezil, what came first? Frankenstein or Son of Frankenstein?

    Balint, get ready. I think we have another shit storm coming!

  2. robin says:

    Yeah ,you’re right, Hugh. But here’s my idea: ZPZ, finish this last tour (please not with Ahmet Vomit, I saw him with Z years ago in Paradiso Amsterdam, and it was nothing more than screaming and have fun with the 8 other voices in his head) and than concentrate on releasing what we’re all waiting for (do i really have to spell the wishlist?)
    and than The Real Son Of stops copying dad, and starts making his own music like What the hell was i saying or whatever. Right?

  3. C-H says:

    [quote comment=”4978″]
    Frankly, we have all been waiting much too long for the real Roxy.
    Son of Roxy? You’ve got to kidding me? I feel insulted.
    Hey Dweezil, what came first? Frankenstein or Son of Frankenstein?

    Quite. It really grates that THE REAL DEAL is still languishing in the Vault, apparently at one time ready to be released, while little Dweezil indulges his fantasies about being a musical genius and someone important. This is a real Fuck You to all the fans who’ve waited to see and hear Frank, Ruth, Chester, Ralph, Tom, George, Bruce and Napoleon in their finest hour, ever since the trailer was released nearly 10 years ago, or even since they first heard the album (“All through this film, Ruth has been thinking, ‘What can I do that will amaze everyone?'”). Instead we get this fake plastic facsimile. I’m extremely disinclined to buy anything from ZFT until they release the Roxy film or the full KCET TV show.

  4. Balint says:

    Uh, well, Hugh, you might be right – but anyway, this is just a post, and news we all should know about. I liked Dweezil’s sound and solo-samples here, okay, and a bit forgot about the feelings the Family made us feel. So anybody might have and share his/her own feelings about it – hopefully in a not very rude way. 🙂
    Okay, and I did not say I’m about to buy it RIGHT NOW… 😉

  5. Birdman! says:

    The only Roxy song I haven’t worn way out is Oh No / Son of Orange County. I’m more excited about the new Mastodon.

  6. potatohead Peccary says:

    This kid and his little project have taken away from the “real reason” we even deal with ZFT. Go ahead and play your ZPZ gigs. thats fine. but don’t sell us your DVD’s and CD’s. we really don’t want it. You could have spent that time workin’ on a frank release.

    I think dweez was just sheltered as a kid or something. He is starting to take this whole ZPZ thing a bit to far. I fear that 10 years from now he will still be doing the ZPZ thing. ugh!

  7. Alex says:

    And now my avatar is back. Strange.

  8. Matt says:

    Ugh, that rendition of Billy the Mountain, painful. There is a reason that BtM wasn’t performed after Flo & Eddie. It was a period piece, written for a particular band with a flair for vaudeville hijinx. It wouldn’t have worked for any of the successive bands, and it certainly doesn’t work for ZPZ.

  9. Plooker says:

    I admit it, I bought the ZPZ dvd and saw them 3 times. But not this one, I may consider the pirate bay version though. I’d by copies of the “real Roxy” for everyone in my family. I have done a little video editing, it is not that hard, c’mon Dweez! Maybe you and your team of “Billy The Mountain 2008 Muteneers” should work on something important (I loved the ZPZ version of Billy by the way and can’t wait to hear it again, muted and all).

    And Birdman, your right the first solo and the backround vocals on Son of Orange county still make me smile ear to ear with a tear in my eye.

  10. Bongo "Fury" Bob says:

    I do agree that Roxy should have been released before Son of Roxy, but I think “potatohead Peccary” is being a little rude. For us younger folks “who might wear tennis shoes” that never got to see Frank play, ZpZ is a God send. I saw them on New Years and I had a little tear in my eye. Great music (even if they are covers) is a fantastic thing…

    Of course suing cover bands for preforming Frank’s songs is ridiculous.

  11. Dave D says:

    All other weirdness aside, it really seems like ZPZ is not fucking around at all, those are some excellent musicians going on there.

    Can we have the original Roxy now please? Pleeeeease? I keep reading about financial difficulties all over the place and there is the original Roxy video sitting there like a holy grail made out of pure paychecks for the band. How come there’s so many ways to delay the Roxy movie every day?

  12. Paul Sempschi says:

    Here’s a simple solution: sell the tapes.

    If Dweasel and Sloatman feel it’s such an ordeal to synch up the tape with the audio, (they’ve been working on this since at least 1996, not to mention that Frank did and edit and mix in the late 80’s) give it to someone (anyone) with a bit of competence.

    The wait for this material (as well as the “Rage and the Fury”) is needless and silly. They bitch and moan that this is such a terrible, arduous task (as it certainly would be) but it’s a task that NO ONE asked them to do… in fact, one of Frank’s death bed wishes is that she wouldnt meddle in the ‘biz’.

    If they care about the money, they should sell the archive to Rhino or EMI, if they care about indie labels, Anti’s (Tom Wait’s current label) done some good releases. These people would be more up to the task, and a larger label like WB would be able to produce more product more efficently and offer it at a cheaper rate.

    Arent the Ryko releases more readily available? Didnt THEY expose people to a larger audience than the current offerings of Bush-era Zappa releases?

    Then the fans would be able to enjoy the overexposure marketing model similar to the likes of Pink Floyd, Hendrix or Zeppelin: box sets, bonus tracks, remasters up the wazoo… and Sloatman can go back to playing the wounded widow and Dweasel can pretend to be his Dad in peace.

    On the brightside, Lumpy Gravy was a pleasant listening and a wonderful download 🙂

  13. Paul Sempschi says:

    *Lumpy Money

  14. Plooker says:

    Oh well, I will probably buy it anyway. I think I am in love with Sheila, don’t tell my wife. She is completely beautiful, inspired and a total MOFO! (and I love her shirts, did I say that?). Sorry, also her eat that question solo made me laugh and cry at the same time, my boys asked me if they should call someone for help, what a sap I am. I can’t resist.

  15. Chuck says:

    The dressing the same as the orginal Roxy is just a bit of a slap in the face too… I think Dweezil needs a light reality check on what he is doing playing in an FZ covers band milking all of FZ’s music and vocabulary…

    Just do the original Roxy damn it!!!

  16. Ian Tanner says:

    I just saw a comment posted by someone who saw ZPZ recently, and according to this fine individjimal, Dweezil has finished transferring the original Roxy video tapes to hi-def and WILL be released on DVD!!

  17. Roland says:

    It´s really a wonder, that DZ didn´t grow his Dad´s moustache!!!

  18. Hugh says:

    [quote comment=”5000″]the original Roxy video tapes to hi-def and WILL be released on DVD!![/quote]
    Ian you play a mean piano, but I’ll believe it when it’s overheating my movie projector!

  19. Jamez says:

    [quote comment=”5000″]I just saw a comment posted by someone who saw ZPZ recently, and according to this fine individjimal, Dweezil has finished transferring the original Roxy video tapes to hi-def and WILL be released on DVD!![/quote]

    I’ll believe when I see it! We want Roxy on DVD – with extras!!

  20. Jeroen says:

    I will buy this. In my humble opinion ZPZ plays the BEST Pygmy Twylyte I ever heard. With two or three guitars in unision – mind blowing.

  21. Sterbus says:

    I want Bill Hicks back.

  22. Thinman says:

    What is going on with the Zappas? Are they trying to replace the original with efforts like this?

    I am still suffering through any of these clean, empty and lifeless sounding performances by ZpZ and won’t buy any of their crap. I mean, muting any noise and signal between the notes on a live recording, like Dweezil does – how stupid is this? I once tried this kind of clean-up when harddisk-recording was new because you suddenly could SEE the noise. Mistakes of beginners.

    The Zappa story ended on 4.12.1993. Period. And his lifetime achievement is enough to deal with. Who needs replicas?


  23. Boy from Town says:

    Why are all you wimps “crying” at ZPZ shows? Get out of the audience, now.

  24. vince says:

    [quote comment=”4978″](
    Hey Dweezil, what came first? Frankenstein or Son of Frankenstein?

    You know, they say “Bride Of Frankenstein” is the best!
    I guess you meant “Young Frankenstein”…

  25. Plooker says:

    Boy from Town needs to get in touch with his feminine side. I need to get in touch with Sheila’s boobies(did I say that?)

  26. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5012″]Boy from Town needs to get in touch with his feminine side. I need to get in touch with Sheila’s boobies(did I say that?)[/quote]

    Plooker, you’re drooling! It’s most unbecoming…How would Ruth feel?

  27. Plooker says:

    I can only imagine, Urban (did I say that?). In my 20’s I used to be so politically correct, what happened? Sorry Everyone, no more cheap vodka for me (yeah right!).

  28. Plooker says:

    There is something about a super smart, beautiful woman ripping through Inca Roads that makes my heart beat faster.

  29. Hugh says:

    [quote comment=”5011″]You know, they say “Bride Of Frankenstein” is the best! I guess you meant “Young Frankenstein”…[/quote]
    Well, in this case the BRIDE of Frankenstein wouldn’t be the BEST but the Scariest!
    Since their relly was no Son of Frankenstein, I’ll change my comment.

    Hey Dweezil, what came first? The Blob or The Son of Blob?

  30. First off: this is authentic Z news, and so Balint was right in posting it (you know, that old “don’t shoot the messenger thing”? Yes, that.).

    “Son of Roxy” though is one hell of a misleading title… For a second there, before I got to watch the clip, I thought ZPZ was going to issue a DVD with a full re-enactment of the original Roxy album right down to the very last tuplet. Be still my beating heart!

    In conclusion, as for me (regardless of whether I do or do not wish to get better acquainted with Scheila because of her musical talent slash wonderful shirts): just because this ZPZ concert was recorded at the Roxy does not at all bring it right up there with the original as of yet unreleased Roxy.

    I would think it misleads the public — deliberately or not.

    And for that reason…: I’m out.

  31. potatohead Peccary says:

    [quote comment=”4994″]I do agree that Roxy should have been released before Son of Roxy, but I think “potatohead Peccary” is being a little rude. For us younger folks “who might wear tennis shoes” that never got to see Frank play, ZpZ is a God send. I saw them on New Years and I had a little tear in my eye. Great music (even if they are covers) is a fantastic thing…

    Of course suing cover bands for preforming Frank’s songs is ridiculous.[/quote]

    I am not being rude I am being realistic. I saw Project/Object about 6 years ago with Don Preston Ike, and Nap. It was one of the greatest shows I have ever seen. I can’t remember much about it now. All I know is that I was in heaven not because they played everything perfectly but the vibe and soul and humor . They really had frank’s spirit working behind them all night. it was that indescribable, intangible quality . And they came out and talked to crowd after the show , told stories about frank. and they didn’t try to sell me anything!!!!

    ZPZ sounds lifeless , like a bunch a music students trying to pass a recital. its horibble

  32. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5015″]There is something about a super smart, beautiful woman ripping through Inca Roads that makes my heart beat faster.[/quote]

    I know exactly what you mean, Plooker. That said, though, no matter how accomplished ZPZ’s musicians are, at least to me, they will never reach the awesome levels of musical wonderment that FZ’s Roxy band did. Side by side, it’s obvious which version is superior, and which version the fans want most of all to get their hands onto. Why they would delay Roxy’s release boggles the mind, particularly from a financial point of view. How much profit could DZGZ and the ZFT expect from a Roxy DVD? Frankly, that many $ signs make my eyes bug out…

  33. Plooker says:

    Yup, I was actually talking about Ruth in that one!

  34. Chuck says:

    [quote comment=”5018″]
    ZPZ sounds lifeless , like a bunch a music students trying to pass a recital. its horibble[/quote]

    The dissapointing thing about ZPZ is they do play the stuff amazingly well and accurately but they lack a leader to turn them into something truly interesting or entertaining.

    Its like an orchestra with just an average conductor, they play the pieces well, but when they get a great conductor (I don’t mean one of those name ones who flys in and does one performance and wiggles hiss arse a lot) the level is raised noticeably.

    Dweezil doesn’t have that ability…make George Clinton the guest leader for a month and they would kick arse 🙂

  35. Bongo "Fury" Bob says:

    potatohead Peccary: I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I think ZpZ rips… are they as good as FZ? Dumb question. I would love to have seen FZ, but I’m too young.

    When I saw ZpZ with Nappy, Stevie and Terry, they ripped so hard and the soul was there.

    Based on your comment “ZPZ sounds lifeless , like a bunch a music students trying to pass a recital. its horibble” you would think you were quite the musician… but maybe you are just a hater… If you have something better to offer, I would be happy to take a look.

  36. Hugh says:

    [quote comment=”5010″]Why are all you wimps “crying” at ZPZ shows? Get out of the audience, now.[/quote]
    If Dweezil can cry at a show, so can we!

    In all seriousness, I did shed a real tear at the first ZPZ tour. All those wonderful notes brought back a multitude of fantastic memories.
    But the last two tours . . . I don’t know. It just lost something for me.
    Maybe without Nappy’s energy driving the band, it just seems a little dull. And all the bad press is putting a bad taste in my mouth.

  37. Hugh says:

    [quote comment=”5016″]Since there really was no Son of Frankenstein[/quote]
    I just noticed this in my Netflix queue. Son of Frankenstein 1939 here’s the description on the site,
    “In Son of Frankenstein, the doctor’s son (Basil[Dweezil]Rathbone) returns to the ancestral castle 25 years after his father’s demise. There, he meets Ygor (Bela[Gail]Lugosi), who urges the young sawbones to take up where his father left off … so to speak!”

    So there is a Son of Frankenstein and it sounds just like the monster that is called ZFT!

  38. Roland says:

    Absolutely agreed with the “lifeless” touch of music students, who play by numbers / notes. The character comes in with the guest musicians from FZ former bands. A fact to me.

    Of course they are skilled musicians, but listening to it, is like listening to a recite of a Christmas poem being performed from a kid underneath the Christmas tree to get presents.

    And how will all this go on? There will be no progression within the band due to the music itself, as it always was in all the FZ bands. I do remember that FZ said, that he hated to be a “living jukebox” at live performances, which means to play what the audience ask for. Now look at ZPZ. They are doomed already.

  39. Jamez says:

    [quote comment=”5008″]I want Bill Hicks back.[/quote] So do I!

  40. potatohead Peccary says:

    [quote comment=”5023″]potatohead Peccary: I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I think ZpZ rips… are they as good as FZ? Dumb question. I would love to have seen FZ, but I’m too young.

    When I saw ZpZ with Nappy, Stevie and Terry, they ripped so hard and the soul was there.

    Based on your comment “ZPZ sounds lifeless , like a bunch a music students trying to pass a recital. its horibble” you would think you were quite the musician… but maybe you are just a hater… If you have something better to offer, I would be happy to take a look.[/quote]

    Okay man. Lets agree to disagree. I am not a hater, I know what I hear and what I feel. I am musician and have experience with trained musicians. They come from a mold and they need a good leader to break them out of it. The musicians in ZPZ are top notch, i’ll give you that.

  41. mike says:

    [quote post=”1535″]If Dweasel and Sloatman feel it’s such an ordeal to synch up the tape with the audio, (they’ve been working on this since at least 1996, not to mention that Frank did and edit and mix in the late 80’s) give it to someone (anyone) with a bit of competence. [/quote]

    If Mark Linett could make a stereo mix of Pet Sounds by MANUALLY SYNCHRONIZING vox tracks w/ instrumental tracks RECORDED IN 1965……..I’m not getting what’s the big ordeal concerning the vid/audio synchronization of the Roxy shows

  42. moggio's moldy Oreos says:

    I agree that this is an unfortunate title to have used.

    It seems to be part of the family’s need for all releases to have FZ-sounding titles and Gail’s need to write liner notes in Thingfish-speak.

    I think this comes from their hearts, but in this case, I think it is kind of misleading.

    With the case of the ‘omage’ releases, that was just a failed attempt at humor I guess…and they should’ve been on one or two cds since 80+ minutes can be put on cds now (actually for many years now).

  43. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5030″]I do remember that FZ said, that he hated to be a “living jukebox” at live performances, which means to play what the audience ask for.[/quote]
    [quote comment=”5038″]It seems to be part of the family’s need for all releases to have FZ-sounding titles and Gail’s need to write liner notes in Thingfish-speak.[/quote]

    Unfortunately, no matter how much “Zappa-speak” GZ, DZ, or ZPZ attempts to employ, whether or not from their hearts, they lack the essential mindset that created that speech in the first place (just as DZ and ZPZ seem to lack the improvisational chops all of Zappa’s bands had in such abundance). Is it me, or does ZPZ’s attempts at irreverence and humor seem forced to you?

  44. Birdman! says:

    Forced – yeah. Like in “Oh No” on the DVD When Nappy sings, “The words from your lips,” and Dweezil says, “I am not a crook.” When Zappa said it, it was topical, now it’s ossified. There are so many things that would have fit better. “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, for example. One thing for sure: FZ would not be talking about Nixon in 2008. “Forgive me for I have sinned!”

  45. Roland says:

    It´s not only you, urbangraffito – I do agree – the attempts at irreverence and humor seem to be forced. It´s not the same feel when it does not come from the heart – one can feel this for sure. It feels outdated, not in the right place, without any kind of progression in the mind of the members of ZFT. One can get the impression that (speaking with a metaphor) they are miles away from the people they want to sell goods to. It´s creepy.

    And Birdman is quite right, too: FZ would not be talking about Nixon nowadays. There would be other topics to him – I am absolutely sure about it.

    But this is the crux of the ZPZ cover band: no progression in any way, just a jukebox band with the feel of silly echoes from the past and as urbangraffito said “the lack of the essential mindset that created that speech in the first place”. No character, just by numbers.

  46. Bálint says:

    Just one note – while agreeing most of the above: FZ did make some Nixon references even later, in 1988, in Dickie’s Such An Asshole (which is ABOUT Nixon himself):
    “You know I’m not a crook
    You know I’m not a crook”…
    But that’s just a sidenote – while totally understanding and agreeing in what you say.

  47. Thinman says:

    I would say ZpZ suffers from the total absence of ART.

    They reduce the music to ‘accuracy’, ‘perfection’, ‘correctness’, ‘cleanness’, ‘sonic reproduction’ … which is a total misunderstanding of FZ’s art.

    For example Dweezil’s solos: a showcase of manual dexterity, finger excercises without musical ideas. The opposite of what Frank did.

    What they present to ‘new audiences’ is an empty ballon. And they shouldn’t try to sell this in form of DVDs and CDs as a replacement for the original art. That is as if you would have color prints instead of the original paintings in a museum.



  48. vince says:

    [quote comment=”5016″][quote comment=”5011″]You know, they say “Bride Of Frankenstein” is the best! I guess you meant “Young Frankenstein”…[/quote]
    Well, in this case the BRIDE of Frankenstein wouldn’t be the BEST but the Scariest!
    Since their relly was no Son of Frankenstein, I’ll change my comment.

    Hey Dweezil, what came first? The Blob or The Son of Blob?
    Reminds me old that old joke: They’re planning a sequel to “The Abyss”. It called “Son Of Abyss”!
    nyuk, nyuk.

  49. potatohead Peccary says:

    I just really have a problem with them selling these cd’s and dvds. I mean if you want to listen to the music of FZ while you are driving or at home you wont reach for ZPZ. (I really hope not) But if you want to go out and see a show and see FZ’s music performed live, this is a good option.

  50. xorg says:

    Another symptom Of Dweezil’s problem is his obsession with setting up his guitar rig so that he gets exactly the sounds that FZ did. But that ain’t the point really – good music stands up for itself and in fact is probably better for some interpretation rather than duplication, especially when played live.

    Personally, I use as few effects as possible and try to keep it simple. A Fender Twin tube amp with channel switch, a blues driver, and a phaser usually covers most options for rock n’roll music.

    It’s the same with cars. The more complex the electronics, the more things there are to go wrong, and the more difficult it is to fix!

    By the way, I think ZPZ would be improved if they fired Joe Travers and sent him back to work on getting the so-called vault sorted out. There’s better drummers than him available.

  51. the effervescing elephant says:

    i saw zpz in belgium a few years ago and had mixed feelings :
    i never had the chance of seeing FZ live so this seemed like the best option to capture the live feeling.
    the concert wasn’t that bad, especially because they began with ‘help, i’m a rock’
    but i think that Dweezil and Steve Vai, who was also there, suffer from the ‘look mommy, without hands’-syndrome : they keep soloing for hours and the only two people enjoying it, are them two. (although it’s nice to have a pitstop now and then)
    He’s not as good as his father but then again : a DVD with covers of FZ is better than an entire album of dweez-songs (i once bought ‘shampoohorn’ from Z and only played it like…once i think)

  52. Rne says:

    Give me a break!
    I am still waiting for the Roxy DVD! It seems that the Zappa family is not aware of what the fans really want. I just don´t get it.
    Meanwhile, I´ll keep on waiting.

  53. god says:

    People! Do you like Zappa music played live? I do. Since Frank is dead who the hell els is gonna play it. Not you. Dweezil is not Frank but he has organized something to bring live Zappa music to fans and how can you complain about that. Unless you can people can personally play this music BETTER than Dweezil, just shut up and enjoy this rare opportunity ya Zappa geeks.

  54. [quote comment=”5595″]People![/quote]
    Any reason for your “god” nick? Wait — don’t answer that…

  55. [quote comment=”5597″]?[/quote]
    Oh I see you answered anyway.

    With a question mark.

    I rest my case.

  56. god says:

    You’re so smart. At least you’re listening to the right music.

  57. god says:

    The question marks was for you use of the word “nick?” Don’t cleverly turn shit around.

  58. Hugh says:

    [quote comment=”5600″]Don’t cleverly turn shit around.[/quote]
    Yes! god likes to say shit, just like me!
    I am soooo . . . going to Heaven.

    Hey wait a sec . . . god would never spell his own name with a small “g”!
    I should know, the penguins taught me all about GOD.

    One should be careful posing as a “God”.

  59. Roland says:

    There is only one possible respond to “god” to quote:

    Hey, we can’t really be dumb
    If we’re just following God’s Orders
    Hey, Let’s get serious . . .
    God knows what he’s doin’ . . .
    He wrote this book here
    An’ the book says:
    “He made us all to be just like Him,” so . . .
    If we’re dumb . . .
    Then God is dumb . . .
    (An’ maybe even a little ugly on the side)

  60. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5595″]People! Do you like Zappa music played live? I do. Since Frank is dead who the hell els is gonna play it.[/quote]

    Just to name a few…

    The Bogus Pomp Semi-Acoustic Orchestra
    Grande Mothers Re:Invented
    Ed Palermo Big Band
    Napoleon Murphy Brock
    Ray White
    Ike Willis
    Don Preston
    Roy Estrada
    George Duke
    Denny Walley
    Robert “Bobby” Martin
    Sheik Yerbouti
    Frogg Cafe
    Great Googly Moogly
    Mario Mariani
    Mats & Morgan
    Kroumata Percussion Ensemble
    FZ Memorial BBQ
    Mattias IA Eklundh
    The Avalon All Stars
    Melvin Seals
    Meridian Arts Ensemble
    Mick Pini
    The Muffin Men
    Quintette Gaucher
    UMO Jazz Orchestra
    Marzi Nyman
    Viva Zappa
    Voice of Cheez
    The Wrong Object
    PGSOR All Stars
    Sex Without Nails Bros.
    Acid Mothers Temple
    Children OF Invention

    and, yes, dear god (did i really just say that?)

    Zappa Plays Zappa

  61. Roland says:

    And how about all the unknown live perfomances of Zappa´s music – only the peak is known: like for example the guy playing “Echidna’s Arf (Of You)” on his home piano (sorry forgot his name), who was posted here a while ago? Wowie zowie urbangraffito: I didn´t know that there were so few. 😉

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