Warren Cuccurullo: Playing In Tongues

We here at Barfko-Swill are pleased to begin our digital release schedule (that includes FZ, DZ & other artists) with Warren Cuccurullo’s Playing In Tongues. And speaking of Playing In Tongues this is the launch of releases available through Barfko-Swill in 256 Kbps & FLAC formats. How you like it.

With Terry Bozzio on drums. You can order it here, listen samples from it here, read about it (history and all) here. Warren adds:

and here’s the BIG news… this disc contains a never before recorded piece of music by frank zappa…”recollection”, a 14 chord progression that was part of my 1978 zappa audition is now a ZFT approved new work by fz…

About Balint

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61 Responses to Warren Cuccurullo: Playing In Tongues

  1. urbangraffito says:

    If Cuccurullo’s 1995, Thanks to Frank is any indication, Playing In Tongues should be a fine addition.


  2. Lunchmeat says:

    Seventeen Dollars and Eighty-Two Cents for MP3 Format or Twenty One Dollars for FLAC? Talk about buyin’ a grunt with a third party check! I sense there will be some Pygmy Pony Fur flyin’ over this here release! Moo-Ahhh . . . .

  3. Matt says:

    Barfko-Swill’s pricing rarely makes sense. Remember when Dub Room Special first came out on VHS, it was $60.

    The instrumentals I heard on Warren’s MySpace are great, but the vocal songs left me cold. I will be skipping this release.

  4. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5142″]Seventeen Dollars and Eighty-Two Cents for MP3 Format or Twenty One Dollars for FLAC? Talk about buyin’ a grunt with a third party check! I sense there will be some Pygmy Pony Fur flyin’ over this here release! Moo-Ahhh . . . .[/quote]

    One cannot fault Barfko-Swill for the price difference between formats, Lunchmeat. They are just supplying what the consumer demands: MP3 format for the general listener, and FLAC format for the audiophile and archivist. That Warren Cuccurullo’s work is being released through Barfko-Swill is an optimistic turn of events, in my mind. What other surprises might we expect?

  5. Birdman! says:

    Basically since CDs began, most people have known that they’re being way overcharged for them. They cost less to produce than vinyl records. To charge even more than the cost of a CD for something that requires no manufacturing or distributing? Pure bullshit. Get real. Hopefully people will speak with their wallets and this won’t sell a unit until it’s more reasonably priced.

  6. potatohead Peccary says:

    It does seem like a lot for a download. It would be cool if Alum albums would come out this way. It would be the best way for those guys to get there music out to us fans. But since so many of those relationships have been severed by Gail it won’t happen. you’ll see alot of Dweezil and Joe Travers and other guys like that up there way more than FZ or any Alum. Its sad but whatever.

  7. metafunj says:

    Is flac better than CD quality or something? Why should you pay $21 for a download? You’re not even receiving an actual CD or packaging. Most CDs don’t even cost that much. I can get 2 256 kbps albums for that price on rhapsody or itunes.

  8. metafunj says:

    should have read:
    “I can get two 256 kbps albums…”

  9. NIce person says:

    you they making something happening maybe more is more is coming
    from old zappa music players i get it now warren my idol 🙂 the men on guitar ewwww ahhhh a guitar god ……………………XXXXXX kissy pooh

  10. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5148″]It does seem like a lot for a download. It would be cool if Alum albums would come out this way. It would be the best way for those guys to get there music out to us fans. But since so many of those relationships have been severed by Gail it won’t happen. you’ll see alot of Dweezil and Joe Travers and other guys like that up there way more than FZ or any Alum. Its sad but whatever.[/quote]

    Quite right. It does seem like a lot for a download. Other sites, like CDBaby, which offer Alumni releases are much more reasonably priced (i.e. Jimmy Carl Black, Roy Estrada, Don Preston, The Grandmothers, The Akashic Ensemble, Bunk Gardner, Napoleon Murphy Brock, Ike Willis, Warren Cuccurullo) between 8.99 and 9.99 for MP3s. Obviously Barfko-Swill, as a lot of other niche retailers, are trying to get as much for the product that they think they, and the market, will allow. Is it any wonder that the bulk of my online purchases are at CDBaby?

    As for FLAC being better quality, metafunj? As I mentioned earlier, it’s mostly about archiving one’s music library, not whether it’s actually better than MP3s. Side by side, it’s hard to tell the difference. However, over time, MP3s do degrade. So if you wish to safeguard your musical library (or like me, have an extensive collection of field recordings), the best format I’ve found, thus far, is the FLAC format. So when made available, I certainly do choose it.

  11. Lunchmeat says:

    [quote post=”1662″]One cannot fault Barfko-Swill for the price difference between formats, Lunchmeat. They are just supplying what the consumer demands: MP3 format for the general listener, and FLAC format for the audiophile and archivist. That Warren Cuccurullo’s work is being released through Barfko-Swill is an optimistic turn of events, in my mind. What other surprises might we expect?[/quote]

    One cannot fault? I would have to disagree. I fault them 100%. I’ve been into FZ since 1970 and I for one do not demand MP3 format sound. Who is this “General Listener” by the way? I guess one could classify me as an “Audiophile” + “Archivist” + “Completest.” The fact remains (in my mind anyhow) that these MP3 files are ridiculously over-priced and I would not spend any of my hardly earned cash on them. I own all of the original FZ vinyl, cds, blah-blah-blah . . . if they were asking $9.00 as you referred to such as on the select CD Baby releases it’d be another story. I just think the advertised price is pure and simple gouging for what the quality of this purchase is. Warren or not. I say all of this with the most utmost respect towards you and the rest of the KUR Community. Hotcha!
    Warm Pygmy Pony Regards,
    – Lunchie

  12. urbangraffito says:

    As a “Audiophile” + “Archivist” + “Completest” myself, Lunchie, I have to agree, their prices are “ridiculously over-priced.” Having said that, though, CD Baby has the advantage of selling more CDs by volume than Barfko-Swill, but still does not offer their downloads in FLAC format (I suppose one could think of CD Baby as an audio Department Store, and Barfko-Swill as a Mom and Dad store). Is it price gouging, pure and simple? I don’t know. They obviously feel they can sell it for that price (get as much as one can, while one can: get it while it’s hot, or so the ad-men say). I, for one, have been purchasing Zappa and alumni long enough to know not to leap at the very first advertised price. When your audio investment reaches into thousands (and sometimes tens of thousands in some cases) of dollars one becomes a frugal buyer.

  13. Steev says:

    [quote post=”1662″]Side by side, it’s hard to tell the difference.[/quote]
    Only if you’re deaf or playing the file on something with a 1″ speaker.

    [quote post=”1662″] However, over time, MP3s do degrade.[/quote]
    How exactly? Maybe the disk you burn them onto will, but the files themselves are essentially the same as any other on the hard drive- zeroes and ones. What are they going to do? Evaporate?

    [quote post=”1662″]To charge even more than the cost of a CD for something that requires no manufacturing or distributing? Pure bullshit.[/quote]
    Spot on. More evidence that GZ doesn’t care and hasn’t got a clue about anything related to music/business/loyal consumers of FZ product.

  14. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5160″][quote post=”1662″]Side by side, it’s hard to tell the difference.[/quote]
    Only if you’re deaf or playing the file on something with a 1″ speaker.

    You got me, Steev. The ex got the stereo, I got the computer with the cheezy speakers (it is hard to tell the files apart on those little buggers).

    [quote post=”1662″] However, over time, MP3s do degrade.[/quote]
    How exactly? Maybe the disk you burn them onto will, but the files themselves are essentially the same as any other on the hard drive- zeroes and ones. What are they going to do? Evaporate?

    Quite right, Steev. Perhaps I’m just buying into the FLAC format (lossless) is better fallacy, when MP3s would be just as good for archiving. As is, I archive using both. As for degrading over time, when you share files (as many Zappa freaks do), the files do degrade (how many times has this file been copied? Have errors crept in?), so it’s prudent to have a pristine source is it not?

    [quote post=”1662″]To charge even more than the cost of a CD for something that requires no manufacturing or distributing? Pure bullshit.[/quote]
    Spot on. More evidence that GZ doesn’t care and hasn’t got a clue about anything related to music/business/loyal consumers of FZ product.[/quote]

    I’m with you.

  15. NoT sO NiCe PeRsOn says:

    so nice to always trash efforts of GZ …………… i think its great and in 2 formats absolutely astonishing ……. if you consider the ladies age you know….FLAC format great !!! I think GZ cares a lot and she is trying and still producing keeping up the FZ legacy ……….some times wonders me
    if this is a place where old miserable deprived farts discuss things which they have no clue about it or no influence in the doing ……….this is called kill ugly radio .com so simple kill the ugly……and be nice creative criticism always welcome amok grown ups……so kids that what frank would have told you…… frank would have never bashed the honest effort of a person if they would have been genuine…..and the intend is the right one……men you guys are all Zappa fans ………………..read the real frank zappa book and let the good and positive thoughts come to you ………xxxxx

  16. BĂĄlint says:

    i think…. this is a peaceful…. place……….. where everybody…. (I mean EVERYBODY) ….. can have his…………………………. …………… (or her……..)…….. opinion ….about anything…. One can use …… as much dots…… as he/she……………. wants…….
    But…. I do thin……. k…… that “what would FZ have told to you”… theories leads ….us…… to……… anywhere………. We are… WE … and you are… YOU….

    BTW: I do not ….. think that FLAC format…. has anything…… to do……….. with the…. lady’s………. age….. 😉

    Oh god… I wish… I could place… come commmas… here…. also……….

    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,, , ,,,,,,!!!!

  17. Sharleena says:

    [quote comment=”5164″]……….some times wonders me
    if this is a place where old miserable deprived farts discuss things which they have no clue about it or no influence in the doing ……….[/quote]

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What you see as “negative”, just because YOU don’t agree, may be constructive too.
    Remember you can always change the channel if you don’t like what you see.

  18. potatohead Peccary says:

    IMHO Gail should treat us like her extended family. we are the ones that understand FZ music and his message. We just want a little respect

  19. Pioneer Of Thought says:

    [quote comment=”5164″]so nice to always trash efforts of GZ …………… i think its great and in 2 formats absolutely astonishing ……. if you consider the ladies age you know….FLAC format great !!! I think GZ cares a lot and she is trying and still producing keeping up the FZ legacy ……….some times wonders me
    if this is a place where old miserable deprived farts discuss things which they have no clue about it or no influence in the doing ……….this is called kill ugly radio .com so simple kill the ugly……and be nice creative criticism always welcome amok grown ups……so kids that what frank would have told you…… frank would have never bashed the honest effort of a person if they would have been genuine…..and the intend is the right one……men you guys are all Zappa fans ………………..read the real frank zappa book and let the good and positive thoughts come to you ………xxxxx[/quote]

    I could not agree with you more. It may take some Zappa fans years to realize the density of what WC has done with this project.
    It seems the average Zappa fan cares more about a free ride to the vault as opposed to dilating their thoughts on the preservation of Zappa’s work. The price point is all they need to rant and compliain
    as meals on wheels is their preferred of nutrition.

    While this Warren Cuccurullo project may be a few years old it’s finally getting released by a label that in part stands for a lifetime of efforts entwined in a pioneer thought process. So it cost a little more,
    I’ve seen Rolling Stones HD download audio selling at $45 for 23 tracks. I’m talking about Stones singles that have already been mass marketed many times over. This Cuccurollo stuff is genius in a bottle.

    Regardless if one is of the same political opinion on some of these
    issues represented in Playing in Tongues Warren Cuccurullo seems to spend 24×7 mirroring much of what he learned in his time with FZs
    and then some. One does not need to see a flying saucer land on Inca Roads or a Holographic Jesus on Wall Street to actually grasp the continuity.

  20. [quote comment=”5173″]The price point is all they need to rant and compliain as meals on wheels is their preferred of nutrition.
    I haven’t seen any comments here stating that this WC release is crap. What people have been putting in question is the pricing — and with good reason.

    This release — a digital download only — is priced more or less similarly to previous “physical” releases (that is to say: releases that are on CD, with packaging, booklets and possibly other manufacturing costs).

    There is a reason why Steve Jobs’ iTunes sells tracks at .99 cents for digital downloads: profit, plain and simple.

    There is a reason why the ZFT doesn’t follow this type of business plan: complete, utter ignorance of how the internets work.

    Is it so hard to grok the fact that something that is solely available for digital download only should, reasonably then, be sold at a smaller price than something that requires manufacturing (i.e. a CD with packaging)?

  21. Pioneer Of Thought says:

    [quote comment=”5174″][quote comment=”5173″]The price point is all they need to rant and compliain as meals on wheels is their preferred of nutrition.
    There is a reason why Steve Jobs’ iTunes sells tracks at .99 cents for digital downloads: profit, plain and simple.


    You want to compare Steve Jobs Business Model
    to a cottage industry like Barfko Swill.

    The Walmarts of the world are killing old time small businesses.
    They just can not compete of price point. The Small Business
    can offer added value by providing product that is artisinal
    where Walmart, Costco and other super size stores yo have to deal
    with whatever the buyers of those coporations and their lawyers can contract out based on corporate guidelines.

    This Warren Cuccurullo project and the Barfko Swill Download Store
    is optional entertainment of the highest regards. Plain and Simple there is no music like this on the planet.

    But I will gladly use a larger niche HD Audio & Video corporation that
    is much larger than Barfko Swill. MusicGians and much of their pricing is very similar if not more than the first Barfko Swill Offering.

    MusicGiants HD Store Downloads
    Bob Dylan – Together Through Life
    HD Stereo Album 10 Tracks for $12.90
    Radiohead – The Bends (Collectors Edition)
    HD Stereo Album 21 Tracks for $30.58
    The Rolling Stones
    Singles 1968-1971
    22 Tracks including 4 versions of SFTD
    HD Stereo Album 21 Tracks for $45.00/$24.51
    The Rolling Stones
    Singles 1963-1965
    HD Stereo Album 33 Tracks for $45.00/$42.57
    The Rolling Stones
    Singles 1965-1967
    HD Stereo Album 25 Tracks for $45.00/$32.25
    The Rolling Stones
    Hot Rocks (1964-1971)
    HD Stereo 21 Tracks for $27.00

  22. Birdman! says:

    Yes. And all of the above are ripoffs, too.

  23. metafunj says:

    Steve Vai’s double orchestral album is 16.99 on itunes. Worth buying if you hadn’t heard it already.

  24. Pioneer Of Thought says:

    [quote comment=”5176″]Yes. And all of the above are ripoffs, too.[/quote]
    If all you can think is Ripoff you show little to no regard for
    the business operation of Barfko Swill or MusicGiants.

    When Frank Zappa was charging $60 for a VHS in a plastic
    case with the type written title shoved under the plastic binder
    I never heard anyone complaining like the old folks out for the early bird special because there was not enough ketchup and napkins to take home in their purse.

    FZ was chargind $60 when the average VHS of similar lengths was $19.99. Now why would FZ charge $60 when distributed product was $19.99 or $24.95? The reason is FZ spent his own money to produce those projects and projected Barfko Swill Mail Order return on investment quotients would have yielded extremely high business losses if he sold at $19.99 or $24.95

    Barfko Swill Digital Download is no different. The up front money it
    cost o produce all the material is coming out of the artist pocket.
    I believe Warren Cucurullo would have to have paid each and every musician and engineer involved in that project years ago and finally Gail Zappa in honorable fashion is making it the premiere release.
    The costs Gail Zappa paid to upgrade that studio and what she has to pay to get those projects completed be it media or download cost money. Projected Zappa Records sales be it media or download just are not commercial return on investment scenarios. AS I fan I support it or it will die. Everyone can live with their AUDs that sound like crapola without forking out payola.

    Excuse me if I exit the old age home and enjoy the worlds finest entertainment. I may pay a bit more but it’s the best music money can buy.

  25. Matt says:

    Trendy, you are full of beans as usual. You didn’t hear people complaining about the $60 Dub Room Special only because the internet wasn’t around then. My friends and I complained about the price and chose not to buy it.

    Did FZ make his money back on the VHS release of DRS? We don’t know, because a) we don’t know how much he spent on the project, and b) we don’t know how many VHS copies were sold. So you have no idea what the so-called projected ROI was. As always, you are pulling assumptions out of nowhere.

    Remember: Barfko-Swill was Gail’s baby. Perhaps she set the price of $60. Again, we don’t know.

    How much did WC spend on PiT? How many copies does he think will sell? Did he ask GZ to set those prices, or is that her call? If you know any of these answers, please enlighten us. Otherwise, stop trying to pass off assumption as fact.

  26. Matt says:

    Archival FLAC releases from King Crimson are $12.95, and they are usually at least 110 minutes in length. Maybe Gail should call Fripp and ask him for some business advice before her cottage collapses in disrepair.

  27. Chuck says:

    Every[quote comment=”5178″]
    FZ was chargind $60 when the average VHS of similar lengths was $19.99. Now why would FZ charge $60 when distributed product was $19.99 or $24.95? The reason is FZ spent his own money to produce those projects and projected Barfko Swill Mail Order return on investment quotients would have yielded extremely high business losses if he sold at $19.99 or $24.95[/quote]

    He could have charged 10 times that and made it back in 1/10th of the time!! But business doesn’t work that way and the market forces pretty much determine what something is worth to the buyer.

    If the average buyer says a price a is too high and it doesn’t sell then it is too high. If what the market says is the price doesn’t cover the cost of the product then it wasn’t a viable product in the first place.

    However of course if the seller can get away with an extreme price then that’s well and good for them even if it leaves a lot of buyers not getting the product.

    Problem with the above is that then people can easily get the item for free and ignore the seller… hence the excessive amount of downloading.

    Simple stuff so I wonder what Gail’s reasoning is.

  28. xorg says:

    There’s no point in expecting justice or morality in a free market such as the music biz. It works on price, supply and demand, marketing hype and so forth and not on principles. Good luck to Warren with his project but if it is priced too high then sales will be low – after all, it’s not an essential product.

    Likewise, although I would like to have a copy of Lumpy Money it is currently priced too high for my liking as it’s only the clean recording of the Capitol Lumpy Gravy that I actually want. But I can live without it. None the less, barfko-swill is still in business so I assume that overall they are getting their pricing policy about right.

  29. NoT sO NiCe PeRsOn says:

    so its not about FZ and WC its about the price . i be glad to pay $2.50 more if its supports a non bullshit advertising artist. iam glad GZ is moving the kids back. From here it can only get better—–Looking forward to see Paul Doucetts products on there too……Milking the Bees is wonderful. However we should write GZ a nice letter and encourage her to go and start producing more from the vault and ex FZ members.
    As Sharleena said you can always switch the channel if you dont like what you see or hear — so if its to expensive dont buy it so simple.
    What makes me feel good that KUR is only a small reflection of the zappa fan base. The negativity on here and the constant tearing apart GZ-DZ efforts almost can make a person be talked out of listening to FZ at all. Maybe that what you guys want. Then i understand you guys living mostly in the US having to see on the day to day bases how cheap and how things fall apart in US. Being screwed by your own politicians on so many issues. The choices being limited, trained to a wall-mart society. Feeding your kids sugar by the tons in the morning.
    Being driven like cattle from one end to the other. Having Bush telling you the borders are secure why 1500 mexican in south jumping the fence LMAO. And the department of homeland security a newly invented security branch investigating your privacy. The amber alert take care of your kids and the national traffic light if its secure or if in Chiggenville some has planed a anthrax attack . Or there is the economic
    stimulus the Y2K BUG happens all 1000 years again LMAO . Now here comes the best of all Soft Drinks with SUGAR you can CHANGE people

  30. [quote comment=”5185″]Then i understand you guys living mostly in the US having to see on the day to day bases how cheap and how things fall apart in US. Being screwed by your own politicians on so many issues. The choices being limited, trained to a wall-mart society. Feeding your kids sugar by the tons in the morning.[/quote]
    Let’s see: I’m Belgian, Sharl is Argentine, Balint is Hungarian, Urban is Canadian. You’re right on the money! * Phil Hartman-esque swing of the lower jaw *

  31. NoT sO NiCe PeRsOn says:

    so and iam mexican 🙂

  32. Sterbus says:

    Italy here.

  33. Grimpoteuthis says:

    Colombian American with every intent to move to spain upon earning of degree.

  34. metafunj says:

    American here, and I think this guy is about as deranged as Alex Jones and Aaron Russo in some of Cuccurullo’s tracks. Maybe the reason members of this site are bitter towards Gail is because she basically wanted the site shut down with no mention of Frank allowed.

    Oh and people complain when things are overpriced, regardless of who is doing the pricing. Just look how people complain when gas is double what they’re used to.

  35. NoT sO NiCe PeRsOn says:

    that is why you are american ……….. you can build pipelines for oil but not for water… you can invade countries with lies to spread your culture of garbage around the world. i went one day on a hiking trip around oslo and i picked up the garbage which is produced by american companies or produced under license here not bad . usually i dont complain about the gas price you complain about the gas price because this what your culture has thought you. And when i was looking to get an apartment in oslo i got a email written in english ………..i only rent my apartments to peaceful loving people . Have a good day pizza hut 🙂 instead of cash back we should give you guys trash back lol.

  36. potatohead Peccary says:

    [quote comment=”5193″]that is why you are american ……….. you can build pipelines for oil but not for water… you can invade countries with lies to spread your culture of garbage around the world. i went one day on a hiking trip around oslo and i picked up the garbage which is produced by american companies or produced under license here not bad . usually i dont complain about the gas price you complain about the gas price because this what your culture has thought you. And when i was looking to get an apartment in oslo i got a email written in english ………..i only rent my apartments to peaceful loving people . Have a good day pizza hut 🙂 instead of cash back we should give you guys trash back lol.[/quote]

    your name says it all. thanks for insulting me when you don’t even know me.

  37. Pioneer Of Thought says:

    [quote comment=”5192″]
    Oh and people complain when things are overpriced, regardless of who is doing the pricing. Just look how people complain when gas is double what they’re used to.[/quote]

    We are talking about 1 project with all new material
    that is some of the most adventurous music created in the last 50 years. Instead of people giving a critical analysis on what the music and social theories are in Playing In Tongues there is a plethora of misguided energy that focuses on price point negativty.
    This album which is pretty much 2 LPS in length has been compartmentalized into the overpriced bin at an imaginary record store.

    Folks the world is a fucked up place, The Catholics, Pentecostals or any organized religion does not have all the answers to our troubles. This project turns everything around of what we have been told we should believe as truth be it religion or the ongoing politics of God’s Grey Earth. What if we stopped looking for aliens in the sky.
    What if we are the Aliens of Inca Roads, Jesus is Lucifer and Lucifer is Jesus. The album could be used as a scripture to open your mind.
    Warren Cuccurulo is as adventurous in lyrical content as Huxley & Orwell. If DoubleyYuoSee appeared weekly on some Webcast using basic tracking and creating new live spontaneous music and lecture over that it would be no different than some old testament, new testament and homily of thinking outside whatever social programming has been playing.
    Everyday is a Halloween Bash when on Imaginon.

    The above is not a literal mission to NLighten all to join some religion.
    It does not at all seem as if Warren Cuccurullo is after your money.
    These small Indie REcords are not money makers. Id does not seem
    he is going to go out there and tour this stuff.
    His music speaks to the heart. Open your mind and whether you believe in all those political views or not dilating the senses of this project is groundbreaking as anything created in music for a very long time. If you ever wondered what Zappa and Miles Live Evil may sound like today lots of that is all in here.

    I’ve been listening to this project for several years now and each time I hear it something new touches me. This stuff was recorded with all the lights down low in almost total darkness. The musicianship and compositional designs are as adventurous as anything in music in the last 50 years. If anyone places so much energy in some download cost they are missing out on some amazing music but hey people can be cheap and listento a portion of his musical message at his myspace but those selections only scratch the surface of this amazing project Paying in Tongues is so much more than a recollection of a FZ audition no differently than Stravinsky’s Rite Of Spring has many sections within The First Part: A Kiss of the Earth and The Second Part: The Exalted Sacrifice.

  38. Pioneer Of Thought says:

    [quote comment=”5195″]

    …… If anyone places so much energy in some download cost they are missing out on some amazing music but hey people can be cheap and listen to a portion of his musical message at his myspace but those selections only scratch the surface of this amazing project Playing in Tongues is so much more than a recollection of a FZ audition no differently than Stravinsky’s Rite Of Spring has many sections within The First Part: A Kiss of the Earth and The Second Part: The Exalted Sacrifice.[/quote]

    Well I wanted to correct that error that appeared in my previous post. This website does not allow editing and you can Pay or Play in Tongues by using your mind beyond beyond venting negativity at a project download that costs a little more. The world finance troubles is far deeper rooted than one close top 80 minute album of new music that has a higher download cost than the majority at Wallmart America.

    On any given day, month, year or lifetime only so many amazing things happen. Playing In Tongues is one of those projects that marks historic achievement of excellence. Thank you Warren Cucurullo, all the musicians and social commentators present in not only performance but by influence and also finally thank you Gail Zappa
    for your preservation of a composers pioneer adventurism.

  39. metafunj says:

    I can just see the classified ads now, “not so nice person only rents to peaceful loving people.” oh the irony, lulz

    you talk about greed, well tten what do u think 22 dollars for a download is? You do realize people here listen to things other than zappa and zappa related artists, and we don’t believe that just cuz it has a pumpkin on it, we should buy it. The fact is there are plenty other albums out there I want and they have priority over this because their prices are better. There is a recession happening you know.

  40. Lou says:

    [quote post=”1662″]We are talking about 1 project with all new material
    that is some of the most adventurous music created in the last 50 years. [/quote]

    Oh please…

  41. Matt says:

    With hyperbolic sentences like the one Lou has quoted above, this is why so few people take you seriously, Trendy. Combining the influences of FZ, Miles, and Crimson shows good musical taste, but in the grand scheme, it is hardly adventurous (your buzzword of the week, it seems). Using a sample of Bush Senior saying “new world order” isn’t very cutting-edge. Ministry did it over 16 years ago and did it much better.

    Pick up any issue of The Wire and you’ll read about many artists way more adventurous than WC. Check out Merzbow, The Necks, Aidan Baker, Tim Hecker, and tons of others that I am leaving out: these are the real pioneers. WC seems adventurous compared to most mainstream artists, but that’s not hard to accomplish given the competition.

  42. urbangraffito says:

    I’ll admit there is a lot of new and interesting material on Cuccurullo’s new disc, and I certainly tip my hat to Barfko-Swill for releasing such adventuresome work as ‘Playing In Tongues’. There is hope, yet, Barry, that the tides may indeed be changing for the better over on the U.S.S. Pumpkin. As for the price, itself, all that means is I won’t exactly be rushing right out to get this disc (yet I will get it eventually – I am a completest, after all). There is always so much great music to choose from (I always have at least five disc on order at any one time), it’s all just a matter of priority in the end. Some are Zappa related. Some are alumni and related. Some are all across the musical spectrum. If I have learned one important lesson from my many years of listening to Frank Zappa et al, it’s not to make quick assumptions (they are quite often usually wrong). By and large, with very few exceptions, the Zappa community is the most highly educated and articulate. I think all would tend to agree that even now, over a decade after FZ’s passing, those musicians he worked with are still producing amazing, adventurous and highly evolved musical works of a calibre unequaled. Perhaps, ultimately, that is FZ’s legacy.

  43. moggio's moldy Oreos says:

    >>>>A quote from NoT sO NiCe PeRsOn:

    “Then i understand you guys living mostly in the US having to see on the day to day bases how cheap and how things fall apart in US. Being screwed by your own politicians on so many issues. The choices being limited, trained to a wall-mart society. Feeding your kids sugar by the tons in the morning.”

    “Jane, you ignorant slut.”

    Most any American posting on this forum is all to aware of the stupidity of all the things beyond their control, such as the actions of our gov’t or our corporations. And, if you are naive enough to think that all of us are the same then you are not really worth anyone’s time because you must be completely ignorant.

    >>>>>screwed by your own politicians

    If you haven’t gotten screwed by politicians then you must be an alien from another planet because this is the way of the human race, regardless of nationality. I know of no country that is devoid of stupidity eminating from their governments, although, like anything else, it is a question of degree.

    >>>>>The choices being limited, trained to a wall-mart society.

    Moronic statement #456. The sheer amount of “choices” in the US was what created the atmosphere for an artist like Frank to succeed. If he were Belgian or French perhaps he would have gotten some government funding for his efforts, but would he have created the same works? No. He was a product of the culture here where jazz, blues and rock among other artforms originated. He was also reacting to the screwed up society of this country, but also that of Italy, the USSR and later Russia, the UK, Germany, France and on and on..

    >>>>>>>a wall-mart society.

    If you knew any Americans you’d know most think this store and this corp. is shit. None of us voted for it to become powerful; capitalism at it’s worst let that happen. Americans fight and sometimes win when trying to keep Wally Mart out of their communities. But, this factoid doesn’t fit in with your childish ranting.

    And, capitalism at it’s worst all over the planet in developed countries led to the financial state we find ourselves in today. Does someone like myself have any way of stopping such madness to happen? Buy yourself a clue: the answer is no. Hence, I, like most of us, am cynical. This state of mind is a common trait of Zappa fans, I’d be willing to bet.

    Another trait that I am sure is common is that most of us are fairly smart.

    Obviously, you do not fit in with this demographic, judging from your ‘writing’.

    “Maybe you should go live with your mama…”

  44. peter says:

    Ha, hyperbole indeed. I for one do not need a musician to expand my mind whose past 25+ year career has been geared to entertaining 13 year old girls. There are plenty of artists who have devoted themselves to adventurous music. It is they who deserve my support.

    Regardless, Trendy just cannot grasp that a 21.00 download price is hazardous to the ZFT’s health. It’s not about my wallet.

    The physical cd was released last Tuesday. Already at 20.00 on Amazon. Duh, Gail.

  45. living with his mama says:

    i lived for 15 years in the USA and i have to tell you lol that most of them are not aware of what is going on …………………….
    my advise to you is go back live in Muskogee.

  46. Eat Me says:

    >>>>my advise to you is go back live in Muskogee.

    Go back to Oslo, kill some whales and GO FUCK YOURSELF! ! !

  47. eating with his mama says:

    so typically american! See your reaction shows why you have high school shootings. When we cant argument we react.
    Love you Gas price 🙂

  48. Hugh says:

    Hey Barry, I’ve been away. What’s new?!

    Oh dear, things are getting quite cloudy above my post.
    Is this the lastest shit storm at KUR?
    Maybe the Swine Flu has spread everywhere?
    My advice for everyone is to take some meds & get some rest. Come back when you’re feeling better.
    Right Dr. Sharleena?

    I think Warren would like that. Remember him?

  49. Alex says:

    [quote post=”1662″]With hyperbolic sentences like the one Lou has quoted above, this is why so few people take you seriously, Trendy. Combining the influences of FZ, Miles, and Crimson shows good musical taste, but in the grand scheme, it is hardly adventurous (your buzzword of the week, it seems). Using a sample of Bush Senior saying “new world order” isn’t very cutting-edge. Ministry did it over 16 years ago and did it much better.

    Pick up any issue of The Wire and you’ll read about many artists way more adventurous than WC. Check out Merzbow, The Necks, Aidan Baker, Tim Hecker, and tons of others that I am leaving out: these are the real pioneers. WC seems adventurous compared to most mainstream artists, but that’s not hard to accomplish given the competition.[/quote]

    Ministry, Merzbow – I think I just made a new friend!

    People, if it costs too much, don’t buy it. Or you and some friends can pool your resources and share it on alternating weekends. Just chill the Hell out, kids.

  50. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5208″]Hey Barry, I’ve been away. What’s new?!

    Oh dear, things are getting quite cloudy above my post.
    Is this the lastest shit storm at KUR?
    Maybe the Swine Flu has spread everywhere?
    My advice for everyone is to take some meds & get some rest. Come back when you’re feeling better.
    Right Dr. Sharleena?

    I think Warren would like that. Remember him?[/quote]

    Amazing how it just takes one troll to briefly degenerate a discussion into pop culture cliches, ageism, and hero worship. Fortunately, the intelligent and knowledgeable voices in that discussion will always ring louder (and truer).

    Old Zappa Freaks Never Die, They Just Get Cheesier.

  51. bob says:

    [quote comment=”5209″]People, if it costs too much, don’t buy it. Or you and some friends can pool your resources and share it on alternating weekends. Just chill the Hell out, kids.[/quote]

    let’s write a thesis!

  52. Walter says:


  53. one day wants to reach the wisdom of urban says:

    hahahahaha urban lol the GZ basher number one with wise words 🙂

  54. Alex says:

    Sir, please keep your voice down – this is a mortuary.

  55. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”5216″]hahahahaha urban lol the GZ basher number one with wise words :)[/quote]

    Number One GZ basher, you say? Have I bashed GZ once in this entire discussion thread, friend? If you actually took the time to read all the comments in this thread (even the trollish ones), you’d discover that I actually applauded Barfko-Swill for making FLAC files available to their customers (even if they are over-priced).

    There is big difference between bashing GZ for bashing sake, and the free flow of ideas and critiques which occur here at KUR.

    What is your point? Or do you just get off stirring the shit around?

    By the way, changing your name from ‘not so nice person’ to ‘living with his mama’ to ‘eat with his mama’ doesn’t alter your underlying vindictiveness, friend. KUR is a community. If your only aim is to see how long this community will put up with such crass behavior, I wish you luck. If not, I suggest you read the code of conduct.

  56. ThingFish says:

    Sad, Frank spoke about really great music written by dead guys. If Frank was alive and wealthy I’d give em my last buck. but I’m not buying this barfko stuff, leave the vault alone in terms of product and create some kind of library for everyone to enjoy.

  57. [quote comment=”5218″][quote post=”1662″]BECAUSE WE’RE THE BEREAVED DOESN’T MEAN WE’RE FUCKING SAPS!!![/quote]
    Sir, please keep your voice down – this is a mortuary.[/quote]
    I hereby declare this the funniest comment of the whole thread.

  58. Alex says:

    [quote comment=”5224″][quote comment=”5218″][quote post=”1662″]BECAUSE WE’RE THE BEREAVED DOESN’T MEAN WE’RE FUCKING SAPS!!![/quote]
    Sir, please keep your voice down – this is a mortuary.[/quote]
    I hereby declare this the funniest comment of the whole thread.[/quote]
    It’s even better in the film, when John Goodman’s character strikes the meanest stare in the history of cinema after that exchange.

  59. bob says:

    [quote comment=”5218″]this is a mortuary.[/quote]

    Neat-o! For once I agree with the kid. Alex, you are my new best friend. Wanna get together for a pop and discuss your college career?

    You’re a pal!

  60. Alex says:


  61. Alex says:

    But only if you bring your nurse.

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