A Job Well Done, MusicToday

So there I am attempting to pre-order Philly ’76 and this is what I get:

MusicToday Fail

Click image for full glorious Epic Fail View!
Undaunted however, I am about to undertake pre-order attempt #5…

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9 Responses to A Job Well Done, MusicToday

  1. Success! Loads of spinning beach balls (mac speak for kernel panic) in the purchasing process though.

  2. peter says:

    Lamest blog post of all time, anywhere.

  3. [quote comment=”8537″]Lamest blog post of all time, anywhere.[/quote]
    My pleasure! 😀

  4. Seems link the ZFT don’t want your money 😛

  5. Argh, seems *like*. Craziest typo ever.

  6. peter says:

    [quote comment=”8548″][quote comment=”8537″]Lamest blog post of all time, anywhere.[/quote]
    My pleasure! :D[/quote]

    Heh, my apologies. I appreciate the site.

  7. Bob says:

    [quote comment=”8537″]Lamest blog post of all time, anywhere.[/quote]Youcallthatavault?JustorderedDreamin’Man’92.Now,that’savault.

  8. Bob says:

    “Thank You! See you around!”

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