Panzerballett is a German ensemble that uses “an innovative, hard ‘n’ heady mixture of jazz, funk and metal, crossing complex polyrhythms with metal guitar riffing, funky grooves and jazz improvisation”. In the clip above, from Zappanale 19, they perform a medley of Zappa songs including “Oh No”, “City of Tiny Lites”, and “Evelyn, A Modified Dog”. Check out their website to hear some their other musical works.
Panzerballett is:
Jan Zehrfeld – guitar
Martin Mayrhofer – guitar
Alexander v. Hagke – sax
Heiko Jung – bass
Sebastian Lanser – drums
This is so great.
I know Panzerballett but didn’t know they played at Zappanale.
I liked everything except the arrangement of City of Tiny Lites (although the part borrowed from Make A Jazz Noise Here at 4:40 is great).