The Tubes — Space Baby, 1975

Latest offering from The Tubes Project, an ongoing archiving process in preparation for the eventual release of a documentary outlining the musical history of The Tubes.

Recorded at the Record Plant, w/Bill Spooner on lead vocals. This video opens with rare instrumental featured in the Tubes live set at the time. Originally part of The Beans space opera, “Acension of the Motherload.” Appeared on the Tubes first album produced by Al Kooper.

“Tube” Mural/Shirts and “Space Baby” costume by Michael Cotten and Prairie Prince.

Bo Diddley — Dead at 79

The musical pioneer whose songs, such as “Who Do You Love?” and “Bo Diddley,” melded rhythm and blues and rock ‘n’ roll through a distinctive thumping beat, has died. The cause was heart failure, his family said. I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t cranked up either of the songs on this video, “Hey, Bo Diddley” and “Bo Diddley”.

New 1980 Live FZ Footage

Dated October 12, 1980 and recorded in Albuquerque at Johnson Gym. October 12, 1980. The clip shows “Harder Than You Husband” with Jimmy Carl Black, and “Bamboozled By Love” with Ike Willis.

Jimmy Carl Black was living in Albuquerque at the time of this concert. This video was personally authorized by Frank Zappa, it was shot to document Jimmy’s performance.

Check it out. A higher res version can be found over at Zappateers.