Wired Readers Digest Selections

Wow, it seems i am alone in the office! Is everybody on vacations already? For those with leisure time here’s a cool articles selection from Wired News: Art as a State of Mind, about art through a new brain-wave interface; Whisper the Songs of Silence, an article related to a new emerging aesthetic in computer music, and Bill/Steve’s Sexcellent Adventure for Mac adorers all around. Enjoy!

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3 Responses to Wired Readers Digest Selections

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    …oooops, Barry WAS here! (i should have checked before posting :-)

  2. Barry says:

    yes yes, I’m here.
    Checked out the Sexcellent adventure article, found it quite interesting, as well as quite thruthful in it’s conclusion: And while Gates dominates the professional relationship, Jobs is the “top” in the bedroom.
    Also, this cracked me up:
    Jobs leans down to whisper, “Bill, are you a virgin?”
    “Yes.” Sort of.”
    “I’ll be gentle.”

    You have to forgive my current likeness for stupid geek jokes, but hey, I just upgraded to Mac OS 9.2, and all the goodies that come with it so, bear with me. It’ll pass, I’m sure… (once I get Office 2001 for Mac installed, probably ;o)

  3. DebK says:

    Can I say it please? The Computer industry makes strange bedfellows? Please?

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