one whole year

In just a couple of hours HotPoop, The Weblog will have existed exactly one year. Was it as good for you as it was for me? Wait. Don’t answer that. ;)

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6 Responses to one whole year

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    “The blog was unpredictable
    But we knew it was right
    We hope you had the time of your life…”
    As I have had! Thanks Barry…Happy Birthday!

  2. DebK says:

    It has been tasty, finger licking, orgasmically good for me. In fact, I think the earth moved!


  3. SOFA says:

    A year went by
    and now it’s July
    When it finally took off
    all the people cried
    He got Weblog
    Weblog Darlin’
    His weblog
    puts a smile
    on my face
    Here Barry; Barry!

  4. Dr Sharleena says:

    “Arf” he said :-)

  5. Eric Johnson says:

    Alone in the hissing laboratory of his wishes,
    Barry minces among bad vats and jerebaums,
    spinneys of murdering weblogs,
    and prepares to compound for Mrs Barry
    a venomous porridge
    hitherto unknown to toxicologists
    which will scald and viper through her
    ’til her ears fall off like figs,
    her toes grow big and black as balloons,
    and steam comes screaming out of her navel.

  6. Barry says:

    I’ll have a cold beer, but thanks Eric.

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