I’m a Muppet and I’m HIV-positive

You don’t realize just how fucked up this world is until you read about Sesame Street introducing an HIV-positive Muppet. Good grief.

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5 Responses to I’m a Muppet and I’m HIV-positive

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    Yeah, it’s a shitty world out there…At least the Sesame St HIV positive character has a “didactic” side…I saw this morning this article that also leave me horrified…
    No good news.

  2. DebK says:

    Dr S, I think your site is a lot scarier than the Muppets trying to teach young children about a real health problem they are probably going to run into sooner or later! The fact that children will have to deal with HIV is frightning. Oh well, real life wins the scary contest every time!

  3. tom says:

    What’s wrong with an HIV positive character on a childrens program?
    This is the only way for children NOT to learn to circle out HIV positive people. I also think they should have gay character, a disabled character, a black one, a german and a women. ööps, i guess they do have female characters :)
    i think you get my point.

    “You no longer need the real thing in order to make the virus and propagate it,” Dr. Wimmer said.

    Yes, wicked Dr. Wimmer. What kind of twat are you to find that amazing? What’s next? A ‘build your own virus’ kit for children?

    Is this finally to prove, that the US scientists invented AIDS by messing about with viruses? I think, that the US always wins the scary contest, not real life.

  4. DebK says:

    My point exactly. The government and industry whipping up viruses in their little laboratories is real life! That lovely anthrax that was making the rounds in our mail was very likely a strain from a govt. lab. Distibuted by friendly terrorists of course.

  5. tom says:

    I think at one point point, all the stuff those secret (and not so secret) labmo-tories (underneath viginia and elsewhere) came up with, will come back and bite them up the rear end of their bodies.
    The part that grows fat when you sit too long in one place.

    What is it that i read, the US inventing some biological stuff which dissolves plastic, and that sort of stuff.

    i think that sci-fi novels should be stored out of reach of mad scientists.
    Now this is a sticker for you: “Keep out of reach of mad scientists!”

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