Keep It Greasy

Greasecar vegetable Fuel Systems allow any diesel vehicle to run on straight, unprocessed vegetable oil. Reduce your car’s cholesterol level: drive vegetarian! (via

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3 Responses to Keep It Greasy

  1. DebK says:

    Fascinating! I just wonder what it smells like. Do you drive down the street, smelling like canola oil, or since this is used oil, does the car smell like the french fryer at McDonalds after a week of use or worse yet like the used grease barrel? Yeeech!

  2. SOFA says:

    The burning question: Can I get fries with that?

  3. Mark says:

    Once that chip-pan odour is all over the traffic junctions, I predict a new market for optional diesel-scented burgers and novelty truck-exhaust-flavoured potato crisps.

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