Hope for Smokers

Do you smoke? I smoke a lot. I’m not talking shit or pott, I smoke the regular stuff. Now it seems a company called Advanced Inhalation Revolutions (gotta love that name!) is going to deliver cancer-free tobacco: “Instead of burning tobacco, the Vapir Kit heats it and then emits its vapors so smokers can get a nicotine buzz with up to 99 percent fewer carcinogens, according to the company director Shaahin Sean Cheyene.”

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2 Responses to Hope for Smokers

  1. Luis Picasso says:

    This device is a sham. It’s essentially a plastic oven that when heated to a temperature like 350 degees F, can combust the plastic casing. In turn, that will deliver toxic plastic fumes to your lungs. Not a good thing, if you want a safer alternative to smoking tobacco, marijuana, or any other substance.

  2. Thomas says:

    Couldn’t disagree more. This device is the greatest thing that has ever happend to me. Many who suffer from a disabilitating illnesses swear that this wonderful machine has changed their life. It definately has changed my life.

    Laboratory studies done by MAPS show that the device produces 0 toxins. This is certifiable.

    THe plastic casing has remained intact and has not combusted on mine even at temperatures well above 350F. I have had mone for over 2 years with no problems!

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