December 21…

Today is Frank Zappa’s birthday! In an impressive effort of production, special envoys of HotPoop have obtained this document never published before: a picture taken that very same day at the Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. Brought to you by KUR stuff!

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6 Responses to December 21…

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    …just kidding, Gail, please don’t sue us! :-)

  2. dmt says:

    “Awww, look, Mom, he’s got you eyes!”
    “Look, Dad, he’s got your upper lip!”

  3. dmt says:

    This must be one of FZ in his early days of conducting.

  4. SOFA says:

    Sharl, you are loving brilliant!
    Send me that j sometime?

  5. Dr Sharleena says:

    Thanx for the compliments!
    It’s just our duty :-)

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