
“Nearly two weeks after a company announced the birth of the first human clone, the claim may never be verified because Clonaid said Tuesday that it was not going to allow independent scientists to conduct DNA tests on the newborn.” Got an ID, at least? Drivers license??

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6 Responses to Hmmm…

  1. ian says:

    Well, as I heard someone say on radio the other day;
    “science leads and ethics follows on behind”.
    The guys down the road from here who cloned “Dolly” the sheep have got a lot to answer for.

  2. Bob Again says:

    Is it true the recently reported auto accident and injury to Barry is just a cover for the fact he is undergoing procedures to be cloned? Oh No, I Don’t Believe It!

  3. dmt says:

    Unfortunately, science only leads the way if it has enough financial backing. I call this “Scientific Survival through Financial Selection”. There are plenty of scientists performing all sorts of experiments they wouldn’t do under “normal” circumstances. There are even more who want to do other things which might be helpful, but are hindered because of lack of funding. Ergo: those who have the bucks determine what is ethical. Does all this sound familiar? “Oh no, here come dat screamin’ sound…AGAIN!”

  4. dmt says:

    What shall we name Barry’s clone? How about “Barry Again”?

  5. Bob Again says:

    Good one! If the cloning process results in multiple Barry’s, perhaps they would be known as Barrymore’s!

  6. Dr Sharleena says:

    hahahahahahahahahahaha :-)

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