4 thoughts on “1984”

  1. How’dya figure that one out? ;) It looks like they left out “Animal Farm” (also Orwell) and “Brave New World” from Aldous Huxley…and where is “The Once and Future King” from T. H. White? Either of those would have been more appropriate than Rowling’s stories. Don’t get me wrong, I like Harry Potter, but that book needs to stand the test of time before it can be considered valued literature. What’s this list based on? Sales? However, it’s nice to see Dick, Asimov, Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut in there.

  2. How disappointing…i can’t reach the site. Dunno Edward Bellamy…looks interesting! Anyway, my favs: “The Drowned World” (J G Ballard), Spider Robinson’s “Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon” and “Stardancers”, Douglas Adams “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, “The Sirens of Titan” by Vonnegut, “Pilgrinage: The Book of the People” by Zenna Henderson, “More Than Human” (Theodore Sturgeon) among others i can’t remember right now…But i have to say i’ve lost passion for SF in these days.
    How disappointing.

  3. “How’dya figure that one out?”
    Why I take pride in knowing my reader base very well! ;o) And also: I’ve noticed that P.K. Dick is generally very popular among Zappa-fans…

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