The Idiot Bastard Son

“Back in 1988 Saddam killed several thousand at once, in the town of Halabjah. Since then he’s been carrying on the good work, but on a piecemeal basis. In fact, for all I know, since his 1988 spree, he may not have killed any more of his own citizens than George W. Bush did as Governor of Texas. When Mr. Bush became Governor in 1995, the average number of executions per year was 7.6. Mr. Bush succeeded in quadrupling this to a magnificent 31.6 per year. He must have had the terrible chore of personally signing over 150 death warrants while he was Governor. I suppose the advantage of killing Iraqis is that you don’t have to sign a piece of paper for every one of them.”
Terry Jones (yes: that Terry Jones)

2 thoughts on “The Idiot Bastard Son”

  1. Some time ago, I read an article stating George W. Bush, as governor of Texas, imprisoned an eighteen year old boy because he had sex with his girlfriend of sixteen. This boy had no previous record, and I imagine he had no desire to commit a crime of any sort. Guess what he’ll become when he gets out?

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