Stockholm Syndrome

A boot a day keeps the doctor away: Stockholm 73… or maybe you prefer some video? Wait a minute, I’ve got it, you like good oldfashioned MIDI’s don’t you…

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4 Responses to Stockholm Syndrome

  1. pat says:

    stockholm 73 appears to be several of the tracks off of Piquantique but with crummier sound quality. of course i found this out after downloading 100 Mb of binhex files, hunting down a program to decompress them on my PC, etc. but what else was i going to do with my saturday?

  2. Barry says:

    I suspected this boot was also on BTB although I wasn’t sure (and utterly lacked the willingness to do some research – hey it’s a saturday after all)… I don’t own Piquantique though, so I figured it was an interesting download anyway. As for your binhex woes: none of that would’ve occured had you owned a Mac! ;o)

  3. pat says:

    owned a mac? blasphemer!

  4. dmt says:

    Sorry, Pat, but it is a blaspheme that in this day and age that computers exist that are NOT Macs.

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