Facts of War

While the “coalition forces are attaining their goals” and the “civilian casualties are being kept to a minimum“, here are some facts of war.

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4 Responses to Facts of War

  1. bertanya says:

    … ‘Total world military spending for 2001 of 839 billion dollars (or euros) represents a significant proportion of world economic resources. As a global average it accounted for 2.6 per cent of world GDP and 137 dollars per capita’ … ‘The United States accounts for 36 per cent‘ … now don’t say ‘Forget it, he’s raving.

  2. bertanya says:

    Isn’t ‘No consultations with others are needed…’, somewhat speculative. Is this speculative argument ?

  3. Barry says:

    I’d say consultations are needed, to the extent that they serve the illusion that consultation is taking place…

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