Exit Pachuco

To those that have fully downloaded Pachuco Hop: enjoy! To those that haven’t: it is my sad duty to tell you it is no longer available. $45 surplus bandwidth is something I simply won’t pay. Sorry about that.

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3 Responses to Exit Pachuco

  1. Isaac says:


  2. Isaac says:

    I Haven’t Even Downloaded All Of It!
    I’ve Got One Goddamn Song from the disc!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!
    Put it back up!

  3. Barry says:

    Isaac: donate $45 and I will… Sorry mate, but the last boot of each month is usually the one that gets cut short because of budget/bandwidth issues. I have some resources from donations made to KUR, but rather than to spend all those resources on keeping one single boot up for the entire week, I prefer using that money to offer that “last boot of the month” for only a couple of days. Those that were anxious enough to download it right away got it, those that weren’t didn’t…

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