“Rave Reviews”

The PMRC are alive and well. They’re just operating under a new name – “Focus on the Family”. Isn’t that swell? Have a look here for the latest reviews of your favorite albums, movies or television shows.

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3 Responses to “Rave Reviews”

  1. sigmund frued says:

    Not zat it matters, but zat `fucking mit ze family` group has been around much longer zan ze PMRC. Zat Dr. Dobson (und I use ze term “Dr.” mit some distaste) should be hung by his testicles until ze scrotal sack stretches long enough to hang him for gut…

  2. Isaac says:

    The censored the “Hell” in the title to the Adam Sandler album “What the hell happened to me?” They must be just as/or more insane then the P.M.R.C., if not the actual group.

  3. Error500 says:

    Thank you, Dr. Freud, for the tip. Wasn’t sure…I just know ol’ Tipper was in cahoots with these clowns too.

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