Laura Norder

The Heineken remover, supposably for all intensive purposes. But don’t take it for granite.

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4 Responses to Laura Norder

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    Weird: “Turrr’r”, “Uh’murh’ka”, “Faaaam’ly”, “Deee’ath Penalty”, “Puhhr’sdent”, “El Kaaaah’duh”, are not on the list yet…

  2. Barry says:

    Not to mention “falowers”…

  3. Hairfarmer says:

    They missed my pesonal favorite ‘Meruhcan mispronounciation:

    Selltick – for – Celtic (Kelltick)

  4. Dr Sharleena says:

    oh! is that a mispronunsiashon??

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