
Seen here:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
Errh, it happened to be a dutch book, so I’ll translate:

“We age the most while we are young.”
De Vergankelijkheid – Midas Dekkers.

I’d be interested to read your responses, by the way.

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23 Responses to Diversion

  1. Das' Jesus Roach says:

    ‘Let me promise you a whole fucking case of this year’s port.’

    -“Who’s Who in Hell,” by Robert Chalmsers

  2. Dr Sharleena says:

    ‘Aside from that, the flight was uneventfull.’
    -“Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates”, by Tom Robbins.
    Que siga la fiesta! Suenen pitos y matracas! Diversion sin igual para toda la familia!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Now raise your right arm in the same position.

  4. ken duvall says:

    “With that many birds in the air, things happen.”

  5. Balint says:

    “But the final command just didn’t come from the Ministry of Internal Affairs”
    (My happy days in hell, by George Faludy)

  6. nanook of the Anchorage says:

    “The little car, as flat-bottomed and as thin through as a bedbug, got slowly under way on its ball-bearing races, guided and held firmly to the surface of the Bridge by ten close-set flanged rails.” (They Shall Have Stars – James Blish)

  7. Hairfarmer says:

    If calling form a wireless phone, a non-BellSouth telephone number, via Relay or from outside NC: 1-800-982-2891

  8. Nigey Lennon says:

    “There is no need to introduce the idea of an ether, whose presence anyway cannot be detected, as the Michelson-Morley experiment showed.” — “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking

  9. Mr. Foon says:

    Sally soon recovered from her severe injuries.

  10. bernard says:

    “The last of these cyclical crises of the old regime began in 1787 and was inaugurated , as usual , by a bad harvest”

    France in Modern Times / Gordon Wrught

  11. Nico says:

    No class, but mucho dinero.

  12. bertanya says:

    To do this, consult the mkbootdisk man page.

  13. mack73 says:

    Through airport security, through the metal detector – shit, the kid had’t even raised a sweat. – “Bringing Down The House” by Ben Mezrich

  14. MrPrime says:

    “Then he went to his pack, and removed some of the food he had brought to shar with the family.”

    that one suxxors

  15. Guac says:

    “Nineteenth-century hopefulness set itself to accept the universe, including, reluctantly, its entropy.” by Christopher Ricks in Beckett’s Dying Words.

  16. houdini says:

    Sie werden vollständig auf den folgenden Seiten dokumentiert.
    (They will be documented completely on the following pages.) – Internationales Jahrbuch Kommunikationsdesign 2000/2001

  17. Barbara says:

    I happened to notice your site and the entry for 4/17 as I was dreaming up my own personal website. I find an interesting parallel between your quote and mine.

  18. Wannabeard says:

    Future book exist in potentia, as it were, in the same way that a sufficiently detailed study of a handful of primal ooze will eventually hint at the future existence of prawn crackers.

  19. Bob Again says:

    What Dubro, in the San Francisco spirit of his magazine, liked most was the album constituted “a very unflattering and absolutely unretouched photograph of that hostile and incomprehensible environment known as Los Angeles.”

  20. BA Again says:

    In 1917, on his advice, the United States gave the Russian revolutionary government under Aleksandr Kerensky a $325 million credit, to be spent on war materiel from the United States.

  21. Dr Sharleena says:

    Is that a book with two pages 23, Bob??!

  22. Bob Again says:


  23. Robin says:

    The short version is this: “La Ironía es la autodefensa del poeta que se sabe demasiado humano, que se sabe terrestre y mortal y vulnerable y solicitado por todos los abismos.”
    The long one is

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