Subservient President

Finally, a way for Americans to make their president do what they want him to.

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7 Responses to Subservient President

  1. SOFA says:

    He performed no better at doing what I requested than the in-dumb-bant…
    Tho’ he did ‘approach’ the screen and admonish me for ordering him to show his penis.
    The order “Kill yourself” simply elicited some head scratching…

  2. SOFA says:

    I mean, you’d THINK he understands “Kill” by now…
    Maybe it was the compound word ‘yourself’ that threw him.

  3. St Tan says:

    Couldn’t get the sucker to do anything at all. Maybe he noticed that I’m not american

  4. Barry says:

    Making him look for Weapons of Mass Distruction worked for me…

  5. SOFA says:

    THAT’S what he did when I told him to show his penis. I found it odd that he said he couldn’t find any and…
    Oh wait! I get it…
    He can’t FIND his penis.
    Now it makes much more sense!

  6. Bob Again says:

    I asked him to measure it with a chicken. He said he couldn’t find it. Silly me. I thought he meant the chicken.

  7. SOFA says:

    I think I can see your miscommunication, Bob. I bet he thought you said “Choke your chicken and measure it”, which would explain a lot…

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