There seems to be an increasing amount of problems all over this site when trying to comment, post at the forums or download anything. Some kind people have let me know about this privately since I hadn’t been experiencing the problem all that much myself.
Thanks for that, as for a while I was sitting here feeling like the emperor wearing new clothes (“they no longer love me”, “it’s my breath”, “where’s my Freudian manual, I know I left it close to the sofa”). I have a hunch as to why this is happening though (*cough* new webhost policies *cough*). Will be investigating the phenomenon — and in the mean time, please do comment, if you can…
Update 23/05: fair is fair, dreamhost had nothing to do with this; it be my own stupidity…
try try try
and another one…
and another one!
seems to have something to do with my htaccess file; adding in bits and parts as I go…
how’s this then…
One for the road…