
Another Friday, another boot audience recording: Hammersmith Odeon, London, 19/06/82 (late show, part one).

Just an FYI: this month, KUR’s FB has been churning out a massive 6Gb per day. See that button that says “Donate” to the right of the page? I’m just sayin’!

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5 Responses to Hammersmith

  1. Re:emails-in-complaint: admittedly no it’s not the entire show. A saying though, if I may: don’t bite the hand that feeds you ;)

  2. Aqualung says:

    There will be a part 2 however?

  3. Balint says:

    and also the first song (in winamp’s file info) says that it’s nr. 3, because the first 2 songs are missing: Mammy Anthem, Sofa – anyone has them?

  4. Aqualung says:

    please, Please, PLEASE!!!!! Barry, please… after part two can you put “Donna U Wanna” as a fryday boot or Munich 1980?????????

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