Mighty Little

When a Man Dies in a Sex Act with a Horse — What’s a Reporter to Do?

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5 Responses to Mighty Little

  1. Doreen says:

    That guy, not only he was horsing around, but already got one paw on the chicken coop, yes sir.

  2. I’m not sure what the Vatican’s marketing strategy is but I’m getting nothing but Pope Ratzinger Google Ads on this post. It’s a conspiracy I tells ya! Where’s Dan Brown when you need him!

  3. xorg says:

    What’s worrying about this, Barry, is what were you searching for on Google when you found this item?

  4. SOFA says:

    Well he went to the Grape, went to the farm – now I think he knows what he is…

    And Dagmar (without a doubt the ugliest horse I’ve seen in my life) was it’s name.

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