12 thoughts on “Melbourne ’73”

  1. Nice concert…Eat That Question must be one of my all time FZ favourites (it passes by rather quicly here though). And another Road Ladies, what are the odds huh? Very cool.

    I have a question: how come so many bootlegs have a track called Dog Meat on them, when each studio version thereof is called Dog Breath?
    Is this a slip that has been mistakenly copied for dozens of times or is there a reason behind this?

  2. Strange voice!
    The pitch of the mp3-files is too high.You can hear it on Frank’s voice. It’s probabIy samplerate conversion problem. I pitched it 100 cents down to get the right pitch

  3. I’ve noticed just such a higher pitch on a tape I got a few years ago, Sydney 24jun73 and THAT sounded like a soundbrd rec but ‘chipmunked’ as well; wonder if these original tape machines ran at a slightly slower speed — or even if the AC cycles on aussie power supplies run slightly slower . . . or what
    anyone with any ideas or knowledge rather than conjecture as I’m supplying? it just seems mighty strange that both these aussie shows, so close to eaxh other are warped at just such a speed differential . . .
    and this means I know I gotta fork out the logic audio pro dough
    thanx again!!!!
    wunnerfull to hear

  4. Great Show anyhow……love it…

    Got to meet with Jean Luc Ponty this year at Newport Jazz and asked him a little about Frank……his eyes widened and he could only say the nicest of things….

  5. Hey, Kookie, really interesting! Any details? I’m really curious! Pleeeeeeeease!! In an interview he said that they “parted on very bad terms”. It’s nice to heat that it is differently.

  6. Well I had heard that to….but didn’t want to mention it…I guess over time the bad thoughts drift away…..Jean Luc was doing a cd signing session with Bela Fleck and Stanley Clarke as Trio! (best show of the festival if you ask me)..I met them all… …all too briefly too…Stanley being a great quiet guy…. but what I did say to Jean Luc was that I loved his playing with Zappa and how I miss Frank not being around . He smiled mentioned the rigour and strictness but how he loves the music he was part of…looking to Bela and Stanley…saying he still plays it…(he sorta thought a little)…then Stanley said (as he signed my Light as a Feather RTF cd) that all he has of his early period is vinyl and no record player now and really needs to get some copies of the early RTF….
    I am really tall and Jean Luc laughed saying he was glad that Bela wasn’t my height what with Stanley’s height too. That was it really..all fairly lightweight…I was in line and had to move on….It wasn’t some drinking session down a pub haha…..I have some photos if you want Balint…but really of the three of them only……sorry if I might have made you think it si any more…….

  7. I noticed the same Pitch problem as well…in fact a month or two ago, I noticed the same thing with the Palladium show that was offered up as a Friday Boot. I ran on the assumption that a tape recorder somewhere along the line was running at an off speed. On Melbourne, I ran the audio through Adobe Audition and shifted both the speed and pitch…stretching it to 103%. Sounds great! With the Palladium show I used Wave Hammer, I shifted only the Pitch…Frank’s voice sounded better, but the music seemed rushed…especially on the Black Napkins solo. I went back and adjusted the tempo as well, and now it sounds just damned heavenly (an oxymoron?). I might be incorrect, however, I am really happy with the results!

    As for the Melbourne show…Wow! Thank You for that one! Mostly an instrumental concert with some really fine moments. How often do we get not just one, but TWO (that’s right you heard right)…TWO monsters! Dupree & Big Swifty…with a good dose of Dog Breat/Uncle Meat. Oh…and MUDSHARK?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

    Me happy.

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