Pass That Joint

Potheads around the world rejoice:

A synthetic chemical similar to the active ingredient in marijuana makes new cells grow in rat brains. What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety and depression. The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain.

9 thoughts on “Pass That Joint”

  1. Gee, you don’t suppose the reason Jacobs’ study didn’t find anything proactive in increasing nerve cells or, more importantly, in reducing stress might have anything to do with not including cannabidiol along with tetrahydrocannabinol in the study do you? Of course, it could just be that he doesn’t want to risk losing his funding by publishing a positive report about cannabis in the U.S.

  2. FYI:
    for those not into the science of the sticky icky there is more than one active ingerdient, called cannabinoids, in Cannabis. The most common, tetrahydrocannabinol or “THC” is thought by many to be the only active component of the plant. This is unfortunate for many reasons. Mainly because THC is the psychoactive ingredient – causing changes in perception, increased awarness, over-active intrest in, well just about anything really, etc. Cannabidiol is the component responsible for causing relaxation and stress relief. The balance of these two componants in a particular strain are what is used to define the plant as a “Sative” or an “Indica” one being more ‘activating’ the other casing you to ‘melt’ into the sofa.

    Sorry for the rant, this is subject close to my heart

  3. There’s too many if’s, maybe’s and could be’s in this report to reach any conclusion. But I’m with FZ on this topic. Dope isn’t worth the trouble -I’ve seen too many people damaged by it and other recreational drugs. And why render yourself insensible for recreation in any case? Moreover, if you are depressive, dope and/or alcohol don’t help in the long term but tend to make things worse.

  4. I know many many people, and I count myself as one of them, who smoka da oojie boojie on a regular basis and have experienced no ill-effects at all. Look at P McCartney, rich as fuck, sharp as a tack, maybe you don’t like what he does but that is besides the point; he is never used as an example of cannabis-use. Oh and xorg, being “with Frank on this point” you could try considering what he died of…

  5. He died of smoking the most addictive annd useless legal drug in the world did he not? What’s that video where he’s aked about his cigs habit and he avoids the question with all the skill of Margaret “I was on holiday at the time” Thatcher.

  6. I think I have explained myself perfectly adequately. The fact that the jury is out on if FZ died from smoking cigs (a constant died of cigs and black coffee certainly didn’t do him any good) does not exactly negate my premise!

  7. Everyone is missing the point, the point is that “pharmacy” in and of itself distills the active ingredient and assumes that this is what causes the “effects” as opposed to “herbalism” which has the entire plant with all it’s constituents working in concert. The fact is this, there are receptors in the brain specific to cannabinoids. I have a academic talk that I prepared years ago and presented a number of times on all of the different “drugs of abuse” and their effects on the brain. Cannabis is the least harmful of all. Alcohol is the most dangerous substance of all since sustained use actually is known to cause a persisting dementia. The other most dangerous drugs of abuse are anything that mixes psychedelics with stimulants, e.g. PCP. Cocaine, of course, can kill you immediately either by causing a massive stroke or a heart attack. I have seen a lot of victims of “coked and stroked” in my work and it is sad. Anything that messes with the vasculature in a direct way is very very dangerous and alcohol and cocaine in combination is like playing Russian roulette. Only really STUPID people do this, people who prefer NOT TO KNOW what the real deal is about what they are ingesting. Frank did posit that STUPIDITY was in no short supply and that perhaps is the REAL BUILDING BLOCK of the Universe. I have a hard time disagreeing at this point in my tenure on the Planet of My Dreams. Everything has taken on a nightmarish quality as of late and this “debate” (ah-hem) is a good example of just one of the nightmare qualities our Society At Large, i.e. The Human Race possesses. Uninformed and Unaware.

    Enjoy your escape and pay the price. Mother Mary will harm you least and vaporizer technology removes the harmful effects of ‘smoking’ so there is no way to argue about that with tenacity in defense of other substances of abuse that do not involve that primordial element…FIRE.

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