Black Metal

Black Metal: How-To?

The second precondition is that you must be from Scandinavia, and it would be even better if you were from Norway. Countries such as Poland, Romania, Lithuania and Estonia are OK too, I suppose. Anyway, I suppose you can always lie, and still become a true black metal star.

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2 Responses to Black Metal

  1. mediocre says:

    Hahaha: “Try to get the worst production possible. The rule in black metal circles is that a proper black metal recording must have horrible quality. The recommended recording device is an answering machine. It’s best to do the recording in a forest.”

    You know, I actually like some black metal from time to time…makes me feel Norwegian.

  2. stu innit says:

    haha, one of my favourite bands, Akercocke, are listed under the Names section.

    They’re top blokes, too.

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