You Go Girl!

Willie Nelson released a gay-themed cowboy-song yesterday entitled “Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other)”. What is it with closet cowboys these days? Massive outings from the prairie! As Roger Bourland puts it: “Wow Willy! You go girl!”

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4 Responses to You Go Girl!

  1. Bill DeN says:

    The song was written by Ned Sublette in the early 80’s and origally recorded for the John Giorno Poetry LP called Life is a Killer. It’s a very good performance and worth seeking out….vinyl only. Ned Sublette also had a show on WKCR in NYC at one time and can be heard on occasion on NPR.

  2. P.C. says:

    Have you noticed this? > zappa

    (Btw, today it’s hotter than when you where here in Argentina).

  3. Aah P.C.: thanks for keeping up that old KUR tradition of posting comments unrelated to the topic at hand! ;) Matter of fact, yes, I had noticed that.
    Oh, and however hot it is in Argentina right now, it can’t be hotter than it was in Brazil! :)

  4. Bob Again says:

    Boys will be boys. Cows will be cows. Gay cowboys will be gay cowboys, I guess. If it sells, who knows who will be gay next?

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