Sydney ’73

This week and the next: Horden Pavillion, Sydney, July 8 ’73 — probably from around the same time as this videoclip where Zappa conducts the audience on an Australian TV-show (I’m sure you’ve all seen it before but still fun to watch!).

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4 Responses to Sydney ’73

  1. Balint says:

    Amazing show – I love this lineup, the solos, the songs… etc. Thanks!!! A note: should not there be “Road Ladies” among these songs?…

  2. Yup — that’s the first track of next Friday’s Part Two. ;)

  3. Balint says:

    Ah, great! :-) At “Fzshows” it seemed to be before Inca Roads, I think.

  4. You’re right about the track order. In any case, this is how Gilles had the tracks ordered. I’m merely the html monkey! :)

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