It’s… De-lurking Week!

Yes, you heard right: it’s De-lurking Week here at KUR, as is the case all over the Blog-O-Sphere!


Are you a long-time reader, yet never commented? A first-time reader and want to say hi? A KUR-regular who comments all the time? Post a comment why don’t you — anything goes! Us here at the office have made a sacred vow whereby no biting shall occur in the event of a posted comment. After all: Would It Kill Ya To Comment?

Here’s to another zero comments entry! Huzzah!

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57 Responses to It’s… De-lurking Week!

  1. jonnybutter says:

    A black swan figurine lay on all-color lilly pads, beside the fly-pecked black doorway.

  2. Bob Again says:

    now that i’ve been actually asked to comment…i don’t quite know what to say

  3. danny says:

    I miss FZ. The endless supply of material from the real world would have filled another 70 albums. I can’t even imagine the angular orchestral melodies relating to the current Bush administration alone. Or the update of ‘Do You LIke My New Car’ during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. How about “The secret word for tonight is ‘Congressional Page’.”? There’s my comment. Keep up the good work Barry!

  4. Skeeter says:

    I haven’t a clue what to say either except thanks for all the Friday Boots. Some of them are bloody marvellous! I just wish I’d come across this site earlier.

  5. Hairfarmer says:

    Blah blah blah. Blog blog . . . Log! All kids love Log!

  6. casper says:

    i have been sleep;in like a blog, something like that?

  7. Wannabeard says:

    Filthy Habits, are hard to get rid of. Nice site, so if I had to comment also, I wouldn’t have any time left. No, just kidding, I just prefer to keep my mouth shut if I can’t say anything worthwhile reading. Don’t take it personally, Barry, I love this site, visit it all the time, and I rarely visit unless you have a link going their way…

  8. Tilly2222 says:

    Good evening :-)

  9. urbangraffito says:

    Quite possibly the best Zappa site on the web…no, THE BEST site Barry… keep it up!

  10. scott says:

    KUR is part of my daily routine, along with CrooksandLiars dot com,
    growabrain dot com, onegoodmove dot com, sensible erection, boing boing, videosift, etc…

    KUR provides my minimum daily adult requirement for all the good
    vitamins, minerals and tasty foodstuffs a growing boy needs to start
    the day off RIGHT!!!!

  11. green ink tattoo says:

    Keep up the good work Barry. I’ve been checking out the site on a daily basis for a few years now.

  12. mack73 says:

    no comment.

  13. hurting says:

    Why does it hurt when I pee?

  14. abe says:

    The way i see it Barry, you’ve put on a really dynamite webpage.

  15. Another Barry says:

    Mary had a little lamp…rub it!

    But seriously, it amazes me that since Frank has been gone for over a decade now, there still manages to be a reason for having a Frank Zappa page, and Frank Zappa NEWS! I make it a point to check out this blog and to see if there are ever any new developments in the making. Not to mention that with the advent of Youtube, finding videos of his work (with on prior release) is so easy! I just recently watched quite a few videos on the PMRC hearings and debates.

    The turn of the millenium proved an easy time to become a Zappa fan, and I’m happy in what I’ve become. Thank you all for helping!

  16. Another Barry says:

    (without prior release)*

    Now, doesn’t that make more sense? Proofread, Barry, Proofread!

  17. Doug says:

    Hey guys! I uh… Like Frank Zappa too! And… Uh… Uh, that’s about it.

  18. Jeroen says:

    Hmm, to comment on a request to comment. What can I say?

    Comments are optional entertainment; KUR, on the other hand, is a necessity.

  19. Balint says:

    I usually don’t make comments. Oh yes. But I remember once (?) I wrote to Joe Travers.

  20. JP says:

    Oh yeah, a friend of mine went to recent Z on Z show in Seattle. Couldn’t say enough about how great it was. Paramount Theater was the venue– nice place, not too big. I saw Eric Johnson there once.

    Everyone is welcome to stop by and comment over at my crib too!!

  21. Dr Sharleena says:

    Balint, what was the short answer?
    Also, I know a person who once mentioned a chicken in the comments window in this website.

  22. Robert says:

    I have been struck hard by FZ’s passing away in 1993 and have started checking out the newsgroup ever since 1996, i.e. since more than a decade now. KUR is my nowadays equivalent of that famous affz newsgroup, which is saying a lot to those who know what i’m talking about.

  23. xorg says:

    I also wrote to Joe Travers once. He didn’t reply. I reckon that without KUR doing what it does, Joe would be out of a job.

    Keep it up, Barry!

  24. Mike says:

    Love the site and visit regularly but rarely comment. Guess you guys deserve some feedback. Thanks for all the great FZ info.

  25. TIP says:

    Evelyn a dog having undergone…

    I visit once or twice a week for my Zappa fix and News of the Zappa Variety.

    Very much enjoy the site.

    Molto appreciato!


  26. ZarFT says:

    F U C K !

  27. Joe nntj says:

    She made me do it! The real Joe once lumped me into a category he coined “asshole fans”. oh my!

  28. Paul Sempschi says:

    When I was a kid I used to email Joe all the time and he used to answer. I didnt think anything of it at the time, I wasnt used to be snubbed my estates and companies. Now I know better and wished I saved those emails for further analysis.
    I miss FZ, Syd and Captain Beefheart. The only difference is that the Captain isnt recording music anymore. That’s really sad you know, imagine what FZ would do with only an extra year or two…

  29. Sterbus says:


  30. ken duvall says:

    As Steve Post once said, You Fill In The Blank….

  31. evaristo says:

    in a polyethylene bag!

  32. evaristo says:


  33. Doug says:

    That’s right, the mascara snakes. Fast and bulbous.

    But on the subject of Captain Beefheart, though I miss his music, I bet it’s nice for him to not have to feel compelled to make music. Captain Beefheart is all about doing whatever-the-hell-you-damn-well-please and that’s what’s he’s doing now.

  34. SOFA - Philostopher/Chef says:

    My comments usually toll a thread’s death knell.

  35. tweez says:

    I commented here a couple times before, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t de-lurkify myself here.

    Frank would’ve had a whole lot to say about our current political situation here in Ermerica. At least he doesn’t have to suffer along with the rest of us anymore.

    If Frank were still around, he’d make it a mission of his to shut down websites like this though. He never realized that giving some of it away would bring you much more in return.

  36. Dave says:

    *sigh* I really miss Frank.

    Thank you for this fine website, with the fine music played by some fine rockin’ teenage combos.

    Sometimes I think the Sheik Yerbouti ensemble was the Best. Jam Band. Ever. I wish the ZFT would put out a couple of vault releases of those shows with Peaches>Torture>TIny Lites>Pound and Wild Love>Yo Mama. I wonder what was in the water back then, with FZ, the Dead, and Weather Report all playing incredible shows.

  37. Heres to the end of the day,
    as long as it may
    Wish it was May

    Better here than dead
    Sausage Fried awaits me now
    Better man than cow

  38. Wannabeard says:

    Here’s to re-De-lurking…

    Quote: “If Frank were still around, he’d make it a mission of his to shut down websites like this though. He never realized that giving some of it away would bring you much more in return.”
    I dunno, of course there’s all the beat the boots-stuff, but I talked to my music-dealer about Frank, some time ago, and he told me that Frank gave up his legal rigts concerning concerts, that is sort of allowed bootlegging. Anybody know anything about this?

  39. bernard says:

    While pretending not to comment, i actually comment.

  40. Magic Fingers says:

    My teeth itch!

  41. stuff in the bottom says:

    put burlington vermont ’88 on the f.b. list pleez

  42. it_conquered_the_world says:


  43. Zisk says:

    There, I’m de-lurked!

  44. heini bullinger says:

    The white zone is for lurking and de-lurking only…
    if you gotta lurk or if you gotta delurk, go to KUR!

  45. fabrizio says:

    we’re only in kur for de-lurking!

  46. Tilly2222 says:

    Scratch them then!!! ;-)

  47. Whollysmok says:

    Oh boy, is this audience participation? Is there gonna be a dance contest?

  48. Thank you all for de-lurking! :)
    whollysmok: a sort of an audience participation dance contest is in the works – I kid you not, stay tooned…

  49. ken duvall says:

    Now my teeth are starting to itch !

  50. joe nntj says:

    Pete Griffin, as reported by the bastard son, draws a fine distinction between “true fans” and the real Joe’s “asshole fans” (along with the value of bloodlines, the vault and videos)…blah, blah, blah. I’m proud to be an ASSHOLE FAN !!!

  51. joe nntj says:

    She made me do it!

Comments are closed.