And Now For Some Good Taste

At Tiny Mixtapes: “songs to lament the fact that I’ve had my period for 15 days” — including of course Alien Orifice.

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5 Responses to And Now For Some Good Taste

  1. SOFA - Philostopher/Chef says:

    eep doesn’t need songs to lament her condition…
    She needs a doctor to stop the hemorrhaging!
    Stupid twit…
    Or twat, rather.

  2. scott says:

    Alien Orifice is just a DAMN fantastic piece of music.
    The version from FZ Meets The MOP curls my DAMN
    toes – every time!

    Back when you were allowed to listen to CDs during
    take-off (on a plane), I’d time the guitar solo for when
    the aircraft left the ground. The guitar solo from My Guitar…
    Your Mama from YCDTOSA was good for take-offs, too.

  3. carlos zerpa says:

    planeta Zappa
    Un planeta y un blog con el nombre de Frank Zappa (3834) Zappafrank Planet number 3834 has been named in honor of innovative rock musician Frank Zappa.

  4. joe says:

    I’ve never had a take-off song before, but that i can see that solo being appropriate, ever try the Sinister Footwear solo from them or us, it has a similar vibe maybe a bit more turbulent though.

  5. casper says:

    Good taste

    Where is Only women bleed by good ol’ (is that strophe OK?) Alice Cooper?

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