A Zappa-picture

A nice picture. I’ve found it on David Ocker’s blog, but it’s originally from Richard Emmet’ homepage (go there to see some more), and the pictures were taken possibly in ’81, one of these used for the cover of You Are What You Is (the same hat!)

Posing for the sake of the photographer (we weren’t really playing any notes).

Richard Emmet, John Steinmetz, FZ, David Ocker

Pictures made by John Livzey.

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12 Responses to A Zappa-picture

  1. bernard says:

    Bassoon & clarinet. Two musical instruments that are badly missing in FZ music.

    Why shouldn’t present day creative musicians give it a try? The starting point is +/- simple:
    – Take a few FZ scores,
    – Replace the ” lead”, i e electric guitar by a clarinet or hobo ( anyway much more challinging than a violin),
    – Replace the bass ( = basso continuo) by a bassoon, a tuba or a harpchicord.

    Looks like something for Finns or Hungarians. Add for instance (1)a few children’s ( = toy) instruments and an accordion. At the end: the Triangle Solo.

    For original “rock” music with clarinet & bassoon ( as bass) go to Henry Cow, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Cow

  2. bernard says:

    Is it allowed to add one comment on Henry Cow?

    – Did you notice that – in the commercial adds to your blog – Henry C. appears half of the time?
    – As for the Belgian aspect. Henry Cow produced the fabulous ( french speaking ) BE band, when they recorded in Switserland , Aksaq Maboul. Link in German : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aksak_Maboul. For instance : Un Peu de l’ Âme Des Bandits”. It’s http://www.crammed.be/crammed/002/cra00201.htm
    – Last Sunday Belgian classical pianist Daan Vande Walle, http://www.daanvandewalle.com/, performed with HC drummer Chris Cutler in Veere / Holland.

  3. vince says:

    Speaking of Henry Cow…. (sorry), all Zappa fans should go to iTunes and get “Come Across” by Fred Frith, off his album “Gravity”. Sounds like an “Uncle Meat” out-take!

  4. Frank B. says:

    “My Life with Frank” Read it, its wonderful. Thank’s KUR and Balint.

  5. scott says:

    I love stories about people’s interactions with Frank wherein he displays a level of compassion and humanity which I assumed he was uncomfortable with. I also love anecdotes where Frank kicks people to the curb, especially big name media types.

  6. matt says:

    Richard Emmet writes about his time with Frank really well, although it sounds like he’s in some hard times at the moment which is a shame. Am I the only person who thinks that Frank looks a little strange in this picture…kind of like he’s a little munchkin?

  7. bernard says:

    1. Summary about scientific mistakes, i e overlooking interesting things & developments:

    – FZ : Till now just cosy books & texts about FZs music. Nothing really beyond anecdotes.
    – Blogs & New Technologies : The same goes for music blogs & other technologies ( for instance : autonomous radio stations ) linked to new music.

    2. Conclusion: Art, i e at its most prominent expression, Music, is nothing more than a footnote for scientists.

  8. bill says:

    That’s not a real picture. Zappa is a different color from the group, he is also about 3/4s the size of the other people. I think that picture needs a UFO somewhere in it as well…

  9. Have to concur with bill: that is most certainly a photoshopped image. The perspective and proportions are all totally out of whack.

  10. Harry Barris says:

    matt Says:
    “Am I the only person who thinks that Frank looks a little strange in this picture…kind of like he’s a little munchkin?”

    Duh… why do you think he named his publishing company Munchkin Music?

    “…and you might not believe this little fella, but it’ll cure your asthma too…”

  11. vince says:

    I wanna know what happened after Yoko socked John!

  12. Bob Again says:

    What is this supposed to be?

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