Maroual writes in with the following question:
Could the Gala-Salvador Dalà Foundation send a C&D letter?
… and refers to this post he made on the Zäppî forums:
The Zappa Wazoo liner notes mention “Cover Art ‘Mundo Invisible’ (oil on canvas, 60″ x 72″) by Christopher Mark Brennan, 2003″ which itself is a derivative work of the excellent Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire (oil on canvas, 46.5″ x 65.5”) by Salvador DalÃ, 1940.
Actually I was curious to know whether any permission was needed and/or requested to the Dalà Family Trust (la Fundació Gala-Salvador DalÃ) prior painting and then publishing. This painting should not fall in the public domain before 2010 thanks to the copyright extensions, right?
Does this constitute a copyright infrigement? Does this respect the original intent of the painter?
Heh heh!
Are you wearing your black beret today, Barry? I’ll sue!
(Right after Ben Watson sues me for this ridiculous username.)
One more thing we were talking about with Urbangrafitto: the guy who made the graphic for the CD itself is not indicated (the B&W drawing). Anyway, I LIKE that picture!