Don’t involve yourself in Yoga!

Most beginning “yogists” are lured into taking classes with the promise of growing a better heart and becoming healthy. It is not until the third or fourth lesson that they are told what is really going on, and the temptation is far too great to resist. Yoga appeals to the most basic primal instincts, and therefore is a temptation even to the Truly Saved™.
Spread this among your fellow neighbours!! Quick!!

One thought on “Don’t involve yourself in Yoga!”

  1. Everything printed in that article is true – with one glaring error:
    “Millions of folks come to our web site for advice on these sorts of things on an hourly basis” is a slight distortion of the actual truth… Millions of people visit the Landover Baptist site on an hourly basis to laugh at the drivel printed there. The more I read stuff from the site, the more I’m convinced they’re a “fundamentalist Onion News” – not meant to be taken seriously.

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