Attack of the Trolls

Oops. Forgot to upload Part Two of this weeks offering. Not to worry, I will some time this afternoon. Oh, and if you’ve noticed some of the curious commenting action around here recently, may I suggest you read the following.

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6 Responses to Attack of the Trolls

  1. Bob Again says:

    Is this just another cheap shot at SOFA disguised as a serious post?

  2. Das'Jesus Roach says:

    Cheap shot at SOFA? Yeah, that sounds right. Let’s go with that.

  3. sofa says:

    Aw guys, that hurt…
    Only when I laugh, tho’.
    I’s-a-nut-saac has it in for me? And he’s taking it out on me by giving Barry a sound thrashing?
    Yeah, I’ll go with that too…

  4. Isaac says:

    You know what a liar is?
    You know what censorship is?
    I smell something on this website, and it is bullshit.

  5. sofa says:

    (He says he can’t live with what he’s been thru,
    Well people we can all be assholes too.)

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