Zappanale #15

Alright, so who’s planning a visit to this year’s Zappanale #15? A meet-and-greet among KUR readers would be great, so drop a comment if you’ll be attending what has to be the coziest FZ-festival this side of the globe. We’ll (most probably) be there!

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5 Responses to Zappanale #15

  1. JOEGGS says:

    Damn, going to europe in may. I’ll miss it by 2 months :(

  2. Barry says:

    Oh well… I’ll just meet-and-greet with the beerstand… ;-)

  3. sofa says:

    I plan to attend…
    Just yesterday morning, it was “I will attend”. But, sometimes shit happens.

  4. Wannabeard says:

    I’ve enever been there, but I’ll sure like to. I’ll be back when I know for certain.
    BTW, how early am I going to have to buy the tickets, are their usually a shortage?

  5. Pete Weintraub says:

    Who will be performing this year?

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