Brain Voice Read

A Yahoo-list I subscribe to just got hit with the weirdest piece of spam I’ve had the pleasure of coming across. It goes something like this: “Help! Murder, Hong Kong police useing Brain Voice Read / Write Machine Murder Hong Kong people, 100% true story, please e-mail the world people and send 1 e-mail Hong Kong government, 1*10*100*1000….., thank my dear Internet friend.” The mail is accompanied by this rather cryptic diagram. Luv’ley.

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3 Responses to Brain Voice Read

  1. Dubya says:

    xorg, buddy, what’s yer take on this? Ridge and the rest of the squad are totally baffled. Should we raise the alert level??

  2. montana wildhack says:

    is it mark e smith?

  3. Kook says:

    I’ve seen that email on MSN messageboards. Sometimes they attach an image of a succulant young female.

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