Fox Theatre ’77 Pt. Two

Good things come in parts.

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4 Responses to Fox Theatre ’77 Pt. Two

  1. Danny O'Dare says:

    Simple question, where is Part One? Or does Part Two come first? If so, very Zen!
    Best wushes,

  2. Barry says:

    Hi Danny,
    We like to think of ourselves as pretty Zen around here but then again, we’re not that Zen. Part one of this show has been available all week. This really is Part Two.

  3. damnitall! missed another “part one”. may i kindly (and i do mean kindly, i’m not getting bossy here) suggest that if a “barry’s friday poot” is available while a “gilles friday boot” is offline that you alert visitors to the “friday boot” page of the existence of the “poot” via a link and message? i mean, i check the “friday boot” page every friday, but if there’s nothing there, i move on.. see what i’m saying?

  4. Barry says:

    The main reason I do it that way, Milhouse, is to preserve a bit of bandwidth. People who don’t read Hot Poop will never know there’s (often, not always) a BFP when there’s no GFB.
    My advice: check HotPoop regularly, rather than the boot-pages themselves…

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