Dut Dut Duhhh *

Classic Rock Categories, nicely summarized. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, b-b-b-baby!

* Guess the Classic Rock Song

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65 Responses to Dut Dut Duhhh *

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    Is it “Stairway To Heaven”?

  2. Barry says:

    Err no. That would’ve been: Dut Dut DuhhDut Dut Duhh Dut Dut DuhhDuhDum.

  3. Dr Sharleena says:

    Is it “Last Train To London”?

  4. Barry says:

    Don’t know that one… did you mean “Nightflight To Venus” by Boney-M?

  5. guac says:

    His wife is gonna bring him some chicken soup……….dut dut duhh

  6. guac says:

    Last train to Clarkesville ????

  7. Dr Sharleena says:

    No, “Last Train To London”: Dut-dut duhhduhhduhh…

  8. Dr Sharleena says:

    Is it “His wife is gonna bring him some chicken soup”?? Is it?!

  9. guac says:

    Smoooooooth Operator ???

  10. Dr Sharleena says:

    Play it again? I think i got it, it’s “Wind of Change” by Scorpions, ain’t it?

  11. Barry says:

    Nope! Okay, one hint: it’s an INTRO played with an ELECTRIC GUITAR.

  12. guac says:

    OK, here’s one for you with an FZ connection -dut dut duh, dut dut dut duh, dut dut dutdut dut duh.

  13. guac says:

    Locomotive Breath ???

  14. Dr Sharleena says:

    hmmm… with a guitar? Is it “I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt” by Right Said Fred?

  15. Barry says:

    One more hint: it starts with

  16. guac says:

    Sssmmmmmack my bitch up ?

  17. Barry says:

    It says “classic rock song” guac, not “worthless techno house acid look-at-my-hairdo drivel”.

  18. guac says:

    I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous answer; comment numero neuf.

  19. guac says:

    Sssmmmmmells like teen spirit ?

  20. Barry says:

    Touché. That one was “classic rock song look-at-my-hairdo”, granted.

  21. guac says:

    Sssmmmmmell the Glove by Spinal tap ?

  22. guac says:

    back to comment 12 – Sssmmmmmoke on the water ?

  23. Barry says:

    * * * WE HAVE A WINNER! * * *

  24. guac says:

    Hurra! Rauch auf dem Wasser.
    Ich behaupte meine flasche Mahr’s Weisse !

  25. Dr Sharleena says:

    I just went to the postal office, and asked the employee what it could be. He said: “I think
    it’s ‘I Touch Myself’ by The Divinyls”. Of course he didn’t know any of the hints…
    Well done, guac!

  26. guac says:

    Trabajadores postales! que le dicen el doctor, permanecen lejos de ellos! – que se toca por siempre

  27. Dr Sharleena says:

    I put your text on my personal online translator and i got this: “Postal workers! that they say the doctor to him, they remain far from them! – that is touched by always”… I can understand the general meaning of the message, but you should submit that line to the
    Internacional right now, guac…! They should add it to the march for a nice modern touch!

  28. guac says:

    Indeed, anarquia in the translation department ! the gist was; stay away from those postal workers they’re forever touching themselves.

  29. SOFA says:

    My guess was Louie Louie.
    I guess my American dut is not as long as the Euro dut…
    Of course we all know that size doesn’t matter, yet I somehow feel inferior at this point.

  30. guac says:

    My initial thought too Almighty SOFA
    (comment no. 5)

  31. Barry says:

    Actually, we’re talkin’ Belgo-duts here. Not only do these appear to be longer than American duts — judging from guac’s comment they also by far exceed the british dut. We’ll have to wait for Balint to chime in with his view regarding the Eastern-European dut.

  32. guac says:

    1.dut dut dut, dut dut, dut dut dut, dut dut.

    2.dut dut duh, dutdut dutduh, dut dut dutdut dutduh.

    1.Louie Louie
    2.Smoke on the Water

    Whatsyerproblem !?

  33. SOFA says:

    I’m developin a serious case of dut envy over here.
    But didn’t Freud also say, “Sometimes a banana is just a banana”?

  34. guac says:

    Give that man a cigar ( or is it a banana ?)

  35. Barry says:

    It’s a dut! Doh

  36. guac says:

    OK, wanna try another one ? FZ this time –
    dut duh dutduh dudutduh dudududuh

  37. SOFA says:

    Yellow Snow…
    How about
    duh dutdutdut duh dutdutdut duh dutdutdut duh dutdutdut duhduhduhduh duhduh duhduhduhde ?

  38. guac says:

    Correct sir ( see Barry the “dut” would seem to be an international standardised measurement ).

  39. guac says:

    Hmmm, Approximate ?

  40. Barry says:

    Black Page…

    duhhh dut dut dut tuduhhhh tudut duhh

  41. guac says:

    Hey where did the “tu” come from ?
    (pardon my informality).

  42. Barry says:

    (Belgium is bilingual.)

  43. guac says:

    Yeah, tell THAT to the guy in the post office !

  44. Dr Sharleena says:

    Why, he was pretty close with his guess…

  45. guac says:

    T’Mershi Duween ?

  46. SOFA says:

    No banana so far…
    Maybe capitals for emphasis?
    Duh Dutdutdut Duh Dutdutdut Duh Dutdutdut Duh Dutdutdut, Duhduhduhduh Duhduh Duhduhduhde – repeat.

  47. guac says:

    Sofa SOFA?

  48. Dr Sharleena says:

    No, Sofa would be
    Dut Dut Dut Duuuuut…Dut, Dutdut Dutdut, dut dut dut duuut dut…

  49. guac says:

    Surely you mean:-
    dut,dut,dut, duh…..dut
    dut,dut,dut, duh…..dut
    duhdutudutuduh ?

  50. SOFA says:

    Yeah, that’s SOFA…
    But what about the dut in question?

  51. Dr Sharleena says:

    Sure, i just couldn’t transcribe the whole partiture because i’m totally absorbed by the exciting show about the Inauguration Day on CNN…
    So far, lotsa VIP with all kinda hats, including texans; Kerry, Clinton and Condolezza are already there…couldn’t hardly see any person from the *public* tho…More news later, dut, dut dut

  52. Dr Sharleena says:

    …was there a questioned dut? a renegade perhaps?

  53. SOFA says:

    No Dr., no one has doubted the duts. I just didn’t get the correct response yet for my dut-ee.
    I didn’t want to come right out and expose the duts for what they are, if someone feels they might like to guess.
    A hint perhaps?

  54. Dr Sharleena says:

    Yes, please, a hint…!

  55. Barry says:

    Erh… my guess… Tryin To Grow A Chin?

  56. SOFA says:

    I’m making a monkey of you all, aren’t I?

  57. Dr Sharleena says:

    Yes, you are!
    Give us a hint or i’ll start again:
    “Is that Stairway To Heaven?” :P

  58. Barry says:

    Err no. That would’ve been: Dut Dut DuhhDut Dut Duhh Dut Dut DuhhDuhDum.

  59. SOFA says:

    Jeez, Kids; I did give you a hint in #57…
    And it was a big hint…

  60. St Tan says:

    Don’t you know your zappa tunes.
    It’s King Kong

  61. Barry says:

    * bangs head on desk *

  62. SOFA says:

    Give that man a banana!

  63. guac says:

    Wow! didn’t even notice his tail when he was swatting biplanes up the Empire State Building.

  64. Prometheus says:

    KING KONG…… i can’t think of a witty remark to end this statement.

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