I just went to the postal office, and asked the employee what it could be. He said: “I think
it’s ‘I Touch Myself’ by The Divinyls”. Of course he didn’t know any of the hints…
Well done, guac!
I put your text on my personal online translator and i got this: “Postal workers! that they say the doctor to him, they remain far from them! – that is touched by always”… I can understand the general meaning of the message, but you should submit that line to the Internacional right now, guac…! They should add it to the march for a nice modern touch!
My guess was Louie Louie.
I guess my American dut is not as long as the Euro dut…
Of course we all know that size doesn’t matter, yet I somehow feel inferior at this point.
Actually, we’re talkin’ Belgo-duts here. Not only do these appear to be longer than American duts — judging from guac’s comment they also by far exceed the british dut. We’ll have to wait for Balint to chime in with his view regarding the Eastern-European dut.
Sure, i just couldn’t transcribe the whole partiture because i’m totally absorbed by the exciting show about the Inauguration Day on CNN…
So far, lotsa VIP with all kinda hats, including texans; Kerry, Clinton and Condolezza are already there…couldn’t hardly see any person from the *public* tho…More news later, dut, dut dut
No Dr., no one has doubted the duts. I just didn’t get the correct response yet for my dut-ee.
I didn’t want to come right out and expose the duts for what they are, if someone feels they might like to guess.
A hint perhaps?
Is it “Stairway To Heaven”?
Err no. That would’ve been: Dut Dut DuhhDut Dut Duhh Dut Dut DuhhDuhDum.
Is it “Last Train To London”?
Don’t know that one… did you mean “Nightflight To Venus” by Boney-M?
His wife is gonna bring him some chicken soup……….dut dut duhh
Last train to Clarkesville ????
No, “Last Train To London”: Dut-dut duhhduhhduhh…
Is it “His wife is gonna bring him some chicken soup”?? Is it?!
Smoooooooth Operator ???
Play it again? I think i got it, it’s “Wind of Change” by Scorpions, ain’t it?
Nope! Okay, one hint: it’s an INTRO played with an ELECTRIC GUITAR.
OK, here’s one for you with an FZ connection -dut dut duh, dut dut dut duh, dut dut dutdut dut duh.
Locomotive Breath ???
hmmm… with a guitar? Is it “I’m Too Sexy For My Shirt” by Right Said Fred?
One more hint: it starts with
Sssmmmmmack my bitch up ?
It says “classic rock song” guac, not “worthless techno house acid look-at-my-hairdo drivel”.
I refer the honourable gentleman to my previous answer; comment numero neuf.
Sssmmmmmells like teen spirit ?
Touché. That one was “classic rock song look-at-my-hairdo”, granted.
Sssmmmmmell the Glove by Spinal tap ?
back to comment 12 – Sssmmmmmoke on the water ?
* * * WE HAVE A WINNER! * * *
Hurra! Rauch auf dem Wasser.
Ich behaupte meine flasche Mahr’s Weisse !
I just went to the postal office, and asked the employee what it could be. He said: “I think
it’s ‘I Touch Myself’ by The Divinyls”. Of course he didn’t know any of the hints…
Well done, guac!
Trabajadores postales! que le dicen el doctor, permanecen lejos de ellos! – que se toca por siempre
I put your text on my personal online translator and i got this: “Postal workers! that they say the doctor to him, they remain far from them! – that is touched by always”… I can understand the general meaning of the message, but you should submit that line to the
Internacional right now, guac…! They should add it to the march for a nice modern touch!
Indeed, anarquia in the translation department ! the gist was; stay away from those postal workers they’re forever touching themselves.
My guess was Louie Louie.
I guess my American dut is not as long as the Euro dut…
Of course we all know that size doesn’t matter, yet I somehow feel inferior at this point.
My initial thought too Almighty SOFA
(comment no. 5)
Actually, we’re talkin’ Belgo-duts here. Not only do these appear to be longer than American duts — judging from guac’s comment they also by far exceed the british dut. We’ll have to wait for Balint to chime in with his view regarding the Eastern-European dut.
1.dut dut dut, dut dut, dut dut dut, dut dut.
2.dut dut duh, dutdut dutduh, dut dut dutdut dutduh.
1.Louie Louie
2.Smoke on the Water
Whatsyerproblem !?
I’m developin a serious case of dut envy over here.
But didn’t Freud also say, “Sometimes a banana is just a banana”?
Give that man a cigar ( or is it a banana ?)
It’s a dut! Doh
OK, wanna try another one ? FZ this time –
dut duh dutduh dudutduh dudududuh
Yellow Snow…
How about
duh dutdutdut duh dutdutdut duh dutdutdut duh dutdutdut duhduhduhduh duhduh duhduhduhde ?
Correct sir ( see Barry the “dut” would seem to be an international standardised measurement ).
Hmmm, Approximate ?
Black Page…
duhhh dut dut dut tuduhhhh tudut duhh
Hey where did the “tu” come from ?
(pardon my informality).
(Belgium is bilingual.)
Yeah, tell THAT to the guy in the post office !
Why, he was pretty close with his guess…
T’Mershi Duween ?
No banana so far…
Maybe capitals for emphasis?
Duh Dutdutdut Duh Dutdutdut Duh Dutdutdut Duh Dutdutdut, Duhduhduhduh Duhduh Duhduhduhde – repeat.
Sofa SOFA?
Also, your genre sucks
(nothing personal)
No, Sofa would be
Dut Dut Dut Duuuuut…Dut, Dutdut Dutdut, dut dut dut duuut dut…
Surely you mean:-
dut,dut,dut, duh…..dut
dut,dut,dut, duh…..dut
duhdutudutuduh ?
Yeah, that’s SOFA…
But what about the dut in question?
Sure, i just couldn’t transcribe the whole partiture because i’m totally absorbed by the exciting show about the Inauguration Day on CNN…
So far, lotsa VIP with all kinda hats, including texans; Kerry, Clinton and Condolezza are already there…couldn’t hardly see any person from the *public* tho…More news later, dut, dut dut
…was there a questioned dut? a renegade perhaps?
No Dr., no one has doubted the duts. I just didn’t get the correct response yet for my dut-ee.
I didn’t want to come right out and expose the duts for what they are, if someone feels they might like to guess.
A hint perhaps?
Yes, please, a hint…!
Erh… my guess… Tryin To Grow A Chin?
I’m making a monkey of you all, aren’t I?
Yes, you are!
Give us a hint or i’ll start again:
“Is that Stairway To Heaven?” :P
Err no. That would’ve been: Dut Dut DuhhDut Dut Duhh Dut Dut DuhhDuhDum.
Jeez, Kids; I did give you a hint in #57…
And it was a big hint…
Don’t you know your zappa tunes.
It’s King Kong
* bangs head on desk *
Give that man a banana!
Wow! didn’t even notice his tail when he was swatting biplanes up the Empire State Building.
KING KONG…… i can’t think of a witty remark to end this statement.